![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
My point is..... I don't give much of a damn what they think. Yeah it would be nice if they were educated in what modern paintball is....what i really cant see is that happening anytime soon. If and when paintball gets more media coverage. The problem remains that what people are seeing on TV with the NXL and NPPL is a hell of a lot different than what the average guy can go out and try.
The fact is, that if say a person sees ball on the TV and it is some hip as hell 'extweem sport and they decide they want a try. So they go down the their local site and try it out, what they play is gonna be hella different. There is this rift in pball that is going to be very hard to close up....it is not practical for anyone and everyone to go out on the weekend and play the same type of ball that they may see on television. On one hand they have the 15bps+, pretty colours, hot babes super extreme sport......on the other hand they have a load of guys getting muddy, dressing in 1 piece camo overalls and running into trees.
With Xball and the recent adjustments to make tourney ball more acceptable to the general public they are detaching the activity further from what the general public can try. The great thing about football (soccer) is that it is very easy to realise the skill of the top level players. For me and you to try football, all we need is a ball and maybe a few jumpers for goalposts
And by us running around like fools, falling over, kicking the ball the wrong way over a fence, we have an instant appreciation of the skill that the pro players have. Paintball, especially XBall has soo many factors involved that makes it very hard for regular Jose to grasp how good guys like Dynasty and the Assassins are.
Then again, that's what appeals to me....with the current level of gestation that paintball is at, it means that just regular guys like me and you, with enough passion an training could be on a top team. True there are the guys who really have the mojo, the utter talent, lads like Oliver Lang and Tommy Pemberton....but because paintball is still a rather small community i feel that a lot of us could reach a level not far away from them. I love the fact that, regualy we (as a team) were training with Nexus last year...one of the top 15 teams in the world and i could relate with them and almost compete. I don't want to take anything away from those guys, but because a lot of them used to be novice players it helps give the rest of us some hope. Because of the small scale of ball over here, it makes training like this possible.....do you really think it would be possible for some Sunday league football team to regularly train with Manchester United?
Again, more half drunken ranting, i hope some of it makes sense.
The fact is, that if say a person sees ball on the TV and it is some hip as hell 'extweem sport and they decide they want a try. So they go down the their local site and try it out, what they play is gonna be hella different. There is this rift in pball that is going to be very hard to close up....it is not practical for anyone and everyone to go out on the weekend and play the same type of ball that they may see on television. On one hand they have the 15bps+, pretty colours, hot babes super extreme sport......on the other hand they have a load of guys getting muddy, dressing in 1 piece camo overalls and running into trees.
With Xball and the recent adjustments to make tourney ball more acceptable to the general public they are detaching the activity further from what the general public can try. The great thing about football (soccer) is that it is very easy to realise the skill of the top level players. For me and you to try football, all we need is a ball and maybe a few jumpers for goalposts
Then again, that's what appeals to me....with the current level of gestation that paintball is at, it means that just regular guys like me and you, with enough passion an training could be on a top team. True there are the guys who really have the mojo, the utter talent, lads like Oliver Lang and Tommy Pemberton....but because paintball is still a rather small community i feel that a lot of us could reach a level not far away from them. I love the fact that, regualy we (as a team) were training with Nexus last year...one of the top 15 teams in the world and i could relate with them and almost compete. I don't want to take anything away from those guys, but because a lot of them used to be novice players it helps give the rest of us some hope. Because of the small scale of ball over here, it makes training like this possible.....do you really think it would be possible for some Sunday league football team to regularly train with Manchester United?
Again, more half drunken ranting, i hope some of it makes sense.