Originally posted by RON so u are paying a lot less that £40 a box hmmmm like a belive that. The fact is 90% of paint sales world wide are diablo (its actually a lot more more than that) if u are paying a lot less then £40 a box the paint company is either about to go under or u are firing really sh!t paint. why is diablo the biggest and not zap ? becuase diablo have all the paintball sites they sell to big site supliers. teams account for very little buisness[/B]
Actually I'd imagine teams do quite a bit of business, perhaps not as much as sites do admittedly but if you add up training and tourneys etc we use a lot of paint as a group. I think I used about a box and a half at training last weekend and that was limited paint, multiply that by the people playing and it's a bit of paint. Multiply that by the teams across the world that were training or paying and it's a lot of paint.
How many "punters" use 3K paint on a Sunday's site game? Especially at the prices some sites charge for paint. One of my colleagues was quotes a box of site paint, (not even Blaze) at £100 for 2000 balls. Someones making a big margin there, (not that I mind people making money you understand).
Originally posted by RON paintball sites should get the best price if they are buying 3-30 million a year not 10-20 boxs a month[/B]
I agree bulk buying power and all that, and you're telling me that sites are paying £40+ a box are you?
Don't think anyone believes that. Teams get a break off paint sponsors because they do go out and buy paint at higher prices, rave about the paint, encourage others to use the paint and generally promote the paint, (and their other sponsors for that matter), as hard as they can.
What do most sites do besides use the paint? Are all sites loyal to a brand using it exclusively against all other offers or do they go with the cheapest quote to make more margin?
I know what I'd be doing if I was in business, (and yes I know some sites are loyal...good on them hope they get some loyalty back).
Originally posted by RON teams are lots of hassel they moan they trash everywhere and it really piss me off when teams talk on site in front of rental customers about what they pay for paint. what can you say to a customer after some nobody has just said well i get it for 1/3 of the price you are buying for.[/B]
Teams are hassel and they trash everywhere!
Go on then name them.
I've played for 4 teams in my time and I've never seen teams trash anywhere. Most teams I've seen tidy up after themselves, (as best they can), hell I've spent more time tidying up after paying "punter" customers who leave their crap everywhere and simply bugger off at the end of the day.
In my experience teams are far tidier than punters and I think that sort of comment is insulting to team players. If you've had bad experiences don't tar all team players with the same brush!
As to what to tell your customers..tell them when they've spent a couple of grand on equipment and even more on paint over the years and dedicate a lot of time to playing then maybe they'll be lucky enough to get sponsorship deals like they got. Then go find the team captain and ask them not to do it in future.
Originally posted by RON there is no incentive to sponcer more than the top 2-3 teams in most countries (america being an exception). as what do the paint compainies get from it. what can a team hournestly give back to cover the cost of the free paint they get. you would be better investing the cost of the paint in keeping your sites happy as a few big sites are more than the total sales to teams in the uk, all the diablo sponcered teams have site owners concidence ?[/B]
Sponsored teams promote the sponsor, it matters not their level. Lets not be stupid here, though this statement comes pretty close, big companies do not do ANYTHING for nothing. There is no such thing as a free ride. You seem to have an obsession with teams getting loads and loads of free paint, maybe the big teams do the ones constantly in the magazines, winning, looking good and encouraging others to use the kit. Other teams have varying degrees of sponsorship as Bully said
What do they get?
Sponsors get product placement and loyalty from teams who keep buying and promoting their paint.
Perhaps they look at teams as being a good thing as it gives the sport a good public image rather than just the corporate/punter view.
Perhaps they see it as an investment thing, build up the tournaments at roots level to boost the sport in general.
Perhaps it's just one big loss leader, losing money on teams now to reap it back in 5 or 10 years. I tell you the game is massive compared to when I started playing 13 years ago maybe they see the same growth over the next.
Perhaps the paint manufacturers like teams more than sites cause they get something back other than complaints on price.
I dunno, I'm not a paint manufacturer
Originally posted by RON bully is right as per usual (so get your membership renewed)[/B]
Bully is god

and my membership isn't due.
Originally posted by RON the fact is people shoot to much paint at tournys if they spent an hour each trainning session practicing there shooting it would reduce there paint bill and they would get far more from a tourny [/B]
Sheesh ignorance overload. The reason lots of paint is shot is because back players try to keep the other team in cover so their front players can move. Not because they can't hit a barn door.
Supressive fire and all that.
Oh and one last thing, tourney players have paid their way. Most of us started playing on sites that charged £60-£100 for a box of paint, I started playing at 10p per ball and £1 for a 12g.
If we get a little something back at some point then get off our backs. I've invested a lot in paintball over the years. I buy gear fairly regularly and none of it is cheap and frankly I'm grateful to sponsors who choose to support the teams I've played for. I'm grateful to those that sponsor my current team, (see below) and I'm grateful to all those that have helped me to play in one way or another over the years.