Originally posted by Paul_collier
One things for sure, if I had to pay that much for paint I couldn't play half the amount I do!
.... of course I still would play as much lol, I might have to sell my house and llive in a tent though
so u are paying a lot less that £40 a box hmmmm like a belive that. The fact is 90% of paint sales world wide are diablo (its actually a lot more more than that) if u are paying a lot less then £40 a box the paint company is either about to go under or u are firing really sh!t paint. why is diablo the biggest and not zap ? becuase diablo have all the paintball sites they sell to big site supliers. teams account for very little buisness
paintball sites should get the best price if they are buying 3-30 million a year not 10-20 boxs a month.
teams are lots of hassel they moan they trash everywhere and it really piss me off when teams talk on site in front of rental customers about what they pay for paint. what can you say to a customer after some nobody has just said well i get it for 1/3 of the price you are buying for.
there is no incentive to sponcer more than the top 2-3 teams in most countries (america being an exception). as what do the paint compainies get from it. what can a team hournestly give back to cover the cost of the free paint they get. you would be better investing the cost of the paint in keeping your sites happy as a few big sites are more than the total sales to teams in the uk, all the diablo sponcered teams have site owners concidence ?
bully is right as per usual (so get your membership renewed)
the fact is people shoot to much paint at tournys if they spent an hour each trainning session practicing there shooting it would reduce there paint bill and they would get far more from a tourny