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PA x ball few things


Jul 29, 2005
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Not piss about shooting the crap out of each other in a format thats about as useful as a chocolate fireguard!
I’m sure you'll find more use in a chocolate fireguard ed :D

and what stephen said about cpl/spl fields might be a awesome idea for the teams playing in millenium but how do the rest of the teams feel that dont play millenniums????
The teams that don't play the millennium wont mind playing this format as its paintball to them and if they thought other wise then they’d moan about the xball format.

It is not the centre piece that will improve your game if that is ever going to happen it is the format - only that.
I have already said that if the MS confirmed they was going to keep a format I would consider using it, if it was for the benefit of players not only the series.
Does it matter that its not confirmed??? At the end of the day its what the top euro ball is playing at its being filter through the divs each year. We a UK ballers need to practice and play tourney ball like we would play a millennium.

X Ball is the ****. The Millenium is just ****
Strong comment! I couldn't give a rat ass that X Ball is the **** and the Millennium is just ****. The whole point of me voicing this is to push the format WE UK teams play and what the euro events play, its simple. Name me ONE team that regularly playes XBALL in the UK ??? FCUK ALL so why, why, why play this system ???????????? It makes n o sense at all.

Help push forward euro ball by playing CPL/SPL rules on the next millennium field so that we as teams that play millenniums can get good practice within a competitive atmosphere.

The bottom line is we play Millenniums not PSP/NXL so why waste your time and effort that is not doing any good to the state of euro ball.

Who knows by playing CPL/SPL format we could see these teams that play the PA come up through the ranks and compete in the millenniums on a season basis, and it could even see teams like Shock and Nexus taking part every month.

I respect your efforts Russ and your doing well but give us UK ballers the format we NEED and PLAY not an American format that we don’t and to be honest most likely ever wont play.

Voice it to the captains and see what their views are, it needs to be done .........

My big 2p worth and I hope you can see where I’m coming from.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
I think my question answers my point
read Ants post he put it better than I could

to the likes of ste giles et al, the format was set at the start of the year, if you dont like it / dont want to play full xball, then why did you even enter a team?
seems a little stupid to me.

not everyone in the uk wants to play whatever "the top euro teams play" and until the whole of the ms plays cpl format then chaging the PA to suit the minority of players who play spl/cpl from the uk isnt in most peoples interest.

and of course, the UK is NEVER going to,as you say, run american style xball if noone is prepared to give it a shot, which is what Russ et al have been trying to do.

to be frank, as ant pointed out, the MS people are by and large a bunch of tossers IMHO.
at least russell and the pa strive to improve and actually engage in dialogue. more than can be said for the MS.

Ant UK Ref

New Member
Apr 4, 2007
Manchester, England
Don't get me wrong, if the Millenium ran their series to benefit paintball then it's all good, but they don't and all is not good. Everyone is entitled to an opinion especially as a paying customer, right;)


Sandbaggin' aint easy
Jul 8, 2005
read Ants post he put it better than I could

1)to the likes of ste giles et al, the format was set at the start of the year, if you dont like it / dont want to play full xball, then why did you even enter a team?
seems a little stupid to me.

2)not everyone in the uk wants to play whatever "the top euro teams play" and until the whole of the ms plays cpl format then chaging the PA to suit the minority of players who play spl/cpl from the uk isnt in most peoples interest.
1)We didnt enter a team into this event, we are just helping a fellow SP team out by lending a few players.............

2)Thats why Brittish paintball is at a lower standard than Europe and America, nobody cares about whos gonna win this x-ball event and it will only just be coverd by pbuk, how much publicity do you get when you win a millenium? The whole of Europe knows about it.............

One more thing, Why is it in any teams intrest to get beat like 20-0, dont think that would be enjoyable do you?


Platinum Member
Aug 27, 2004
If no one care's about the Pa xball leage or who wins it, then why are any of the teams playing it?

Fair enough if some team's have different views on how this leage should be run. The choice was made by russ and others to make the PA an xball format. For some team's xball is the way forward at this moment in time. Some team's cant afford to play the mill's for the whole season.

Mybe they can afford to play one or two legs. But what are they going to do for the rest of the year?.


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004
"]If no one care's about the Pa xball leage or who wins it, then why are any of the teams playing it? "

most people in the UK play to have a laugh and not to win


P8nt'in Yo Face Since 03
Well in my opinion there is only a few good UK teams which can play at the standard that the Mills CPL does, they will play whichever format works best for them to train as such.
For those teams that aren't going to hit SPL or CPL in the mills, the UK's PA XBALL league would be an excellent oppertunity to experience fun and fast games and its proved to me that it improves your skills overall.
No matter what gets agreed for a league in the UK someone will complain, its happens in everything not just paintball, so lets roll with it, let the young UK teams step up their game and experience one or more of the fast paced formats.


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
a simple resolution to the penalty box.

get a 2way radio or even just a reciever speaker. and attach I to the startgate rear.

man on laptop then gives either a countdown in intervals or gives a10 second warning and then a buzzer for go! can be as cheap as a tenner to set up.

and it free's up the ref so they can get on with their job.

job done