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PA merged threads

Originally posted by ices
Bribe the landlord at your nearest watering hole.

"LOOK!! theres me!":D
Well i might av been filmed as a spectator but there won't be any footage of me 'doing my thang' since i don't play the PA at the mo :(

Thats a wicked idea though. Get a local pub to screen it... that way not only would i get to watch if for free but other peeeps that might not normally watch it would be exposed to it :cool:

Soon Paintball will take over the world :D


Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
Originally posted by Edd Hobday
Get a local pub to screen it... that way not only would i get to watch if for free but other peeeps that might not normally watch it would be exposed to it :cool:

Soon Paintball will take over the world :D

If it is shown during term time, at a decent hour I'll try and get the Guild to show it in Beorma, and advertise it.

Originally posted by Hatts
Flipping heck Steve, calm down ;)
Sorry, Kid in a sweet shop type thing. :D


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
Originally posted by Edd Hobday
Well i might av been filmed as a spectator but there won't be any footage of me 'doing my thang' since i don't play the PA at the mo :(

Thats a wicked idea though. Get a local pub to screen it... that way not only would i get to watch if for free but other peeeps that might not normally watch it would be exposed to it :cool:

Soon Paintball will take over the world :D

Bloody Hell does your pub stay open till 3.30 am? Can I come round?

:D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Mar 31, 2004
under a rock.
Soon Paintball will take over the world
Spread that virus... the people need to know what is out here

I hate it when people say

" ooooh paintball, this guy likes to play army man. Skipping around the forest shooting people"

Most people don't even know the sport' exists

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Originally posted by mike from brum
...we were chuffed that we placed 3rd after a disappointing last round, but were gutted that we actually beat the 2 teams that came above us. Although stoke have won all three rounds, it has still been mighty close all through the league...
Mike, beating certain teams in certain events is never difficult, it's beating them all at each event that is the real trick, and one that no one in div 3 has managed yet. :)


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Originally posted by Hatts
the 50 on F1 was the same as for the previous round,
Not quite - the big bricks were pointing "into" the field this time, last time they were pointing outwards. Still loads of fun up there tho :D

The JT field was pretty much identical to round 2
Same layout, different shapes, right? tho th eblig block was rotated 90degrees, and the snake had a different look/feel to it.

Anyways, was a rather enjoyable day, and I'm beginning to think that Portsmouth City are possibly the least photogenic team in the league - all these photo's everywhere, and I've seen one of us in PBUK, and one on a PA league photo gallery. Yup, two in total. Are we really that ugly? ;)


Snoring Machine.......zzz
Jul 13, 2001
Visit site
Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
I'm beginning to think that Portsmouth City are possibly the least photogenic team in the league - all these photo's everywhere, and I've seen one of us in PBUK, and one on a PA league photo gallery. Yup, two in total. Are we really that ugly? ;)
Amen to that. Hardly seen any pics of Blackpool Inferno............ANYWHERE

Oh well, its the performance on the field that counts. Pics of it are just a bonus.


been there, done it.....
Sep 24, 2001
Off the field, way off
Visit site
Congratulations on a well run event....

Hatts, Gillie, and all the unseen crew, well done on a very well run event.
Manc (world's best) Marshalls. Keep up the high standard.

Wrexham Pimps, well done on 3rd place in div 2.