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P8ntball again on t.v


Jul 1, 2002
London, UK
Originally posted by chunk
i dont like when they use paintball as accidents
like they lift there masks in the game
and get there eye shot
or get hurt
Yeah, I think maybe everyone has missed the significance of this particular appearence - character in soap opera plays paintball AND DOESN'T LOSE AN EYE!

Whatever implausible plotlines will the come up with next, I ask myself?

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
isnt the fact that the sports sean mentioned are about using a ball. thats just because its a very versatile object, can be thrown, kicked, passed etc, and many sports have been created around it. the thing that makes these so popular, is the fact that they are introduced at schools. everybody goes to school(or should dfo) and at some point in their early life, will have played a sport. this is what introduces the sports to us, making them more popular.
the only reason paintball isnt as popular, is due to less chance of ppl being introduced to the sport, whether this is due to money, travel, time or actually knowing about the thing, is down to them, but slowly we are getting there, i found out my neighbour went yesterday and really enjoyed it, wants to go again.


Well-Known Member
reply to sean dimond....

i look down at our sports hall at lunsh to see people playing fooball...this thing in the hall is an organised event by the p.e teachers... so i just wish that the scool could setup
an indoor supair feld.... this would be a lot more fun to watch... in my case play..
you could imagin all the kiddys looking down with big eyes
facinated at this coll sport they never eaven knew about....
ime sure they will love it!!:D