H-pac on board
H-pac have joined the over 35's event. There will be air fills
4500psi and oxygen for respirators. Trevor and Tim are playing so they have had to enlist the office junior/tea boy

to run the air station (sorry only joking you are the official scone butterer !!!)
Several paint companies are sponsoring the event - Draxxus, Severe and WDP and I am sure the other companies will be helping when I talk to them. PGI and p8ntballer are supporting the event as well as Undercover and Skirmish Nottingham.
All we need now is the players!!! lets have your cash £10 deposit asap - if we don't get the numbers we might as well cancel the event - I know it is several weeks away but you can't organise an event unless you have and idea of how many will be attending.
PS Gillie Hatton will be bring a group of marshals who want to gain experience at marshalling and a good way would be to sit between games talking to the "older" player about how they played when it was all woodland, they will then carry your marker(you know it as a gun) to the field (PBUK - carry your marker sponsorship)