Going Legal????
I'd be interested to see what the problem is here, after all, if we take a look at all the people who've contributed to this thread, it would be a very stupid thing to do from barnett's point of view.
Given the way this guy works, there's gonna be more than one skeleton hidden in the cupboards, I know of a couple, and if I know about these, then you can bet your bottom dollar there's a lot more hanging around.
As to why he would wish to go legal is perplexing - if it's because he wishes to protect his integrity, then I'm afraid that's a train long gone ... even without this thread, he had little to no integrity except with his little band of acolytes hanging on for dear life with every bowel movement.
And if he wishes to try and get some money outa me, oh my, he's in for a shock.
The big question now is, if he is going legal then it shoulda been done on the same day as I first posted and not after 42,800 views - I think the time lag says it all.
The thing with barnett is, he actually believes his own hype and as such he thinks he's the smartest mover around but everything he does is so transparent to anybody whose brain is larger than a pickled-onion.
Didn't we hear sometime back that he'd posted he had gone to the police?
That one made me laugh seeing as it's a civil matter and not criminal [at this stage anyway] ..
I think I know what's happened here ... barnett is immersed in his own little world and these last weeks have been torturous for him because he literally detests this lack of control over all the posters in this thread, including myself.
Every morning he wakes up, he has to face up to his blatant incapacity of doing one damned thing about myself or anyone else in this thread.
On top of that, he's got yappers in his ear mumbling:-
'Go timothy, go get him, sue his bald-headed ass off, go beat him up, use your industry power to crush him, oh, nearly forgot, sue him again timothy, make it count mein fuhrer, make him sorry like you been telling everyone you can' ...
Now, I'm sure that advice is both heartfelt and genuine but there is one very slight technical problem with it, he cant do any of those things just mentioned, not one damn thing - he may try to sue me, but the cost of such an action would prove disastrous for him in more ways than one .. and of course, he knows this.
He could maybe fight me, but there's one slight technical problem with that too, he'd lose, miserably, and of course he knows that even though he's been saying different to this for a few weeks but let's not consider such a barbaric method of resolution as that, after all, you do need a couple of oblate spheroids to venture down that road, he hasn't got them anyway.
Also, he has no industry power, even though he tells people he's important, the reality is somewhat tarnished on that point, and it will be even less after this coming month is through unfolding.
All in all, it will prove interesting to see how this all pans out but for my peace of mind, no matter what happens, he cannot undo what's been said in this thread, everyone now knows what he's like.
And on that point, I think I've achieved what I wanted, or rather, what our sport needed.
Paintball has undergone a much-needed enema ... the movement has begun.