guys, i don't mean to sound like a tool, and I'm sure i do, but can we knock one or two NSPA threads on the head?
Don't get me wrong, I've played a couple of events, and i support anything Wendy has a hand in. But it seems people are posting for the sake of it.
(slate away)
If you ever want to play on a Wed night and you can't fill a 3man team then please PM me we are happy to rotate players to let others enjoy the site. As long as you have a sense of humour you will have fun with DOA... we aim to finish in the top 5 each week which is achievable even while rotating.i think what Pid was getting at is the amount of NSPA threads (I've checked and there is only really one at the moment, this, there is a xball lite thread but that I wouldn't class a as NSPA thread)
After an event, training session or whatever there seems to be about 3 or 4 threads on the go all saying the same thing.
My take on it and I'm all for the North having more and more training venues and I'm sure I'll come up and visit one day.
Personally I am well up for a 3man Xball on Boxing day, perhaps 10am start with a 4pm finish!?!?is charity game on x m\s day as there are 2 important things in my life
in that order
and you only get one chance a year 2 cram as much crap as possible down your throat so may have 2 miss paintballing