21.11.07 wed night review
Ok! Ok! It was Neil's birthday so of course we would indulge him in his choice of field and yes your all right, let him do it every week and keep me well away! Broken hearted, but you guys and gals know best.

So considering 2 days of rain, NSPA worked really hard this week on the court, but moist is always good, the field including the Triple A (everyone's favourite) was ready for action.
10 teams, 45 games, 9 games per team, 7.30pm start, 10pm finish (gosh we're getting good

), then fun for all at the end and not a controvercial moment with smiles all round. Not sure about the in house comentator tonight though? (Who is that guy and why does he keep turning up?) Lovely moment with Neil receiving a birthday cake, candles and all, from our regulars at half time. It meant alot and on behalf of Farmer Neil, "it was emotional and thank you!".
A quick note on the music/PA system which sounds just grand and is very atmospheric, but we aim to have surround sound on court Number 1 by next week which means each team can choose their own personal track to go out to. When the first 2 teams went out to start the second half with Two Tribes playing really made me smile and made for a great atmosphere (even though I was asked by the younger teams, "what the hell is this rubbish!") Kids eh? Don't know their born! So start arguing to chose your teams intro tune and send me the title and artist, but please no Spice Girls Moppy, ok?
Just before I do the results and brief review we had 2 new teams to NSPA and 1 of our rotating newbie teams Cannon Fodder (Mark your a star for helping the new guys so much).Thats what NSPA and friends is all about, helping and making Tournament Paintball more accessible to all. Just out of interest, who the **** were "Field of Dreams", total newbies, so they said, and walk away with 5th and 22 pts on the board! Hope to see you soon guys, but please book in next time (see below), if it wasn't for a late cancellation from Jakass we wouldn't have had space, but very well played.
The Results and Review: (closest finish yet and all down to the last round again, Love It!)
1st: BZ; 34pts ( Tony, Stu and the BZ company, dropped only 1 game all night, but still got 2 pts on losing, which makes them the highest scoring team ever with 34 out of a possible 36 pts, total attacking game plan, worked a treat, should be the new England Manager!)
2nd: Moppy's T Bags; 33pts ( On fire, on form, but slightly spotty, (but my little NSPA team taking the win) and only getting the 1pt made the difference between 1st and 2nd. Still a wonderful example of speedand agility.)
3rd: Mad Monks; 32pts ( W.T.F, asked for a drug test, but refused to give me any! Missing their Captain, but did him proud. 32pts would of been victory on any other week, Singer in the Triple A was deadly and Soppit ruled the snake, nice change in tactics, but Moppy's spoilt the party.)
4th: NSPA; 26pts ( Well done my lovelies, you did me proud, only team to beat Moppy's and took some great scalps tonight. Team work was a joy to watch especially bringing in and rotating the young players The perfect Academy team!)
5th: Field of Dreams; 22pts ( They came, they saw, they conquered some good 3 man teams, they left! Bit of a mystery, hope they enjoyed and hope you'll come back?)
6th: Green Machine; 17pts ( New player in a newbie team, with lowest end newbie kit, but looked everything but newbie! With good reliable kit, who knows? Any one else out there tonight playing with a gravity feed hopper?)
7th: Crazy Russians: 16pts ( The most polite, friendly, foreign team at NSPA. Played hard and earned respect. 3rd time in Sup Air and seem to love (I think thats what they meant, lol) everything! Will be back very soon.)
8th: Cannon Fodder: 12pts ( A perfect example of what NSPA is about, relatively new players still taking newbies into their team and having fun and still pointing them in the right direction (we hope).
9th: Crazy Russians II; 9pts ( First timers at Sup Air and 3 man? I think they like it!)
10th: Scooby Snax; 7pts ( Only played 4 games then marker failure, but rotated with other teams and still got to play and have a laugh!)
Another great night, thanks to all who refused to let me go and watch the football, Daz
To book in please call NSPA: 07895913161