14.11.07 wed night review
Another splendid night of fun Paintball. The main issue was the dodgy field setup

, obviously never let the Mouth attempt to set up a field, first of all some one could of tipped me off about the blowers (took me 6hrs to inflate them by breath alone! 40 Lamberts a day boys) and secondly I thought it looked real pretty, the two towers were my Pièce de résistance, sorry that one fell over it made me laugh, can't understand how the other stayed standing?

After much reorganising by the NSPA/Universal team, we had a splendid field layout (not as pretty!) so by 7pm all was ready to go. With being so heavily booked last week I expected a lesser turn out, but with new teams Fusion and Nobody's turning out (long trek fella's, thank you) it was grand to see a full house again. 45 games played again and with the NSPA scoring system it would come down down to the last round. (To the experienced but new teams to NSPA scoring may seem strange , but we don't want any newbies going home feeling slaughtered and that I suppose it is our secret to our success, bringing new teams into paintball) Sorry to the teams who were put off till next week but I'm sure we'll have another 10 teams again for the 21st. Thank you for your patience!
The results and review:
1st: Vudoo: 31pts: (Haven't worked this out yet, at half time they were not in the running for 1st or 2nd, then the Vudoo stable just hit form and started to attack, and rolled, strolled and worked the field, patience worked, but moving forward as a three proved descisive! Talent, yes! Still need to improve on team work?)
2nd: Fusion: 29pts: (Should of won! Played like it was home turf till the last 2 games! A pleasure to see a new team at NSPA not only do so well, but a perfect example to our new young members, and still hopefully had fun, (is this the moment I reveal the player wearing, if I my say so the wonderful red high legged laced stockings? Bless you Andy, I'm only jealous!)
3rd: Nobody's: 24pts: (Who incidentally didn't turn out to be nobodies, won't name names but as far as my arse faces south, a great team, 3 great players, first time team, inspiring to watch, should of won right up to the point where some loud mouth says you've got this in the bag.Sorry)
4th: BZ: 23pts: (Stop, stop, stop, you ain't supposed to do this, too good too quick! I joked at a top 5 finish last week, then the big hitters are here and you pull in 23pts and 4th? Great reputation built on success, but also fair gameplay!)
5th: Moppy's T Bags: 23pts ( To start: hated the field, bad mood, couldn't win a goldfish at a fairground, expect better! Where's the smiles boys?)
6th: Mad Monks: 23pts ( The best MM play so far, the field didn't suit them but played as good as anyone out there! But more importantly they made us laugh all night in the safe zone)
7th: Jakass: 20pts (Started slow this week but got better. Now under the stable of Universal, so it's all gravy for them now on!)
8th: Green Machine: 17pts ( My novices's who pulled in a wonderful 3rd recently, Major player missing, still with the right training will be in the top 3 again)
9th: DOA: 13pts: ( but had to leave at half time, just call it it null and void,(but started so well ?)
NSPA has to apologise due to the fact we will only book in 10 teams per night, so please book in as early as possible, due to a late cancellation we were left with only 9 teams this week, but a good time I think was had by all! See ya's next week, and thank you, Daz