My guess is with the improvements that have been made, expectations might be higher, or that the complaining phenomenon just snowballs on itself. As one person complains, others see the need to put in their two cents worth, and it just becomes the thing to do. Teams are just pushing it harder and harder, so everyone thinks that it should all go their way. I don't think anyone keeps a score sheet for ref error, so whether they're quantifiably better or worse I can't say with certainty. Crowds have gotten really vocal about it, that much I do know. Perhaps there's proof in videos? A camera on every ref? There are the dual problems of heat of the moment and then fuzzy recollection afterwards which come from the fact that people are people and everyone's going to have their side of the story. The game goes too fast to have video review unless you have a ref in the middle with a camera, lightning reflexes, and earbuds for every other ref on the field. Don't think that one is going to happen for a while if ever. It's a problem of not-easily measurable size with no easy solution. Some people just won't be happy no matter what is done.