I think you'd have to be pretty anal to get upset if someone shouts "easy field" to their team mates...
I think you'd have to be pretty anal to get upset about 6 shots...
Infact, lets be REALLY controversial,
I think you'd have to be pretty anal, to come on a forum after an event and bring up every little 'inncident' as if it had any kinda of significance to anyone else but the involved, who already know about it.
It's just typical behaviour of 'the paintballer'.
Other similar behviour, includes:
The player with the broken gun scenario:
It's not enough to obviously have a broken gun to anyone whos watching. But you HAVE to turn around to the people watching and shout, in a mannor that sounds like your telling your team mate, "MY GUN'S NOT WORKING!". Just incase of the slight chance they didn't notice, and just though you were s**t
The 'I would have shot you but...' scenario:
Something goes wrong in a game, like a chopped paintball, a squeegie snapped in your barrell, somone thought it was funny to put a lock-lid pot in your pack and didnt tell you, or a more serious and probable cause for a poor preformance; a pot in the way of your run, a squirrel counter coaching you from the stands etc. The mis-represented player HAS to go and tell EVERY player on the other team, his own team and the spectators, that X Y or Z had caused such a problem and otherwise he would have busted out and mowed at least 4 players...
The point is... play paintball and be happy!... maybe talk about it with your friends, but for god sake STOP WHINING!!!