are the tanks APC's our actuall tanks like leopards and what not?
Tanks A Lot have a large collection of armour in their collection, they use them on a daily basis at their tank driving centre and events. They are mostly old girls though so they rotate them regularly due to maintenance, repairs, and conditions - so we have built in some leeway on exactly what they bring at this stage. We will get exact models and details of what is coming 1-2 weeks before 4th May. So best just consider it a surprise
Tanks A Lot are obviously a commercial organisation who need to be paid for their time and the cost of transportation and running the vehicles.
The car crush demo is free, and one lucky ticket holder will drive for this FREE. And the brown pants moments you might experience on the games is also FREE

- these Warped have paid for
There will also be information on hand on the Experience Days they offer at their Tank Driving Centre, and they hope to sell some vouchers etc for these.
They will also run a number of unique ride/drive sessions over the weekend, exact details tbc but we expect it to take the form of tank RIDES at around £3-£5 per person. Tank Driving will also be available, either as an individual or as a TEAM Experience, where a few of you share the cost and all get to take the controls during the session, and of course get some absolutely AWESOME team pics

- target price for this is £40 per group.
Remember folks this has never been done at a UK paintball event, its success (and whether it happens again) I guess depends on how much interest they get for their own Driving Days, and for Experiences on the Big Game weekend !
We will give further details of the Experiences and confirmed costs nearer the 4th May.