Look you grubby little lot, I think you fail to realise that the add is actually playing you as we type. Every time you go near a paintball store your minds will subliminally think "pwwwwwoooooaaaaaah, if I buy JT, I may have aspired to be worthy of Chelsea's attention". Hence, you empty your piggybanks on JT gear. It's a lifestyle / association type thingamabob.
Ya needs to rise above this level of advertising, and get with the real program, like attracts like, beauty begets beauty. Sadly most of you chumps will simply go blind in the process.
That saying, she is ding dong full on top totty, and I'm pretty sure I can fit Chelsea in sometime in February / March 2004.
On a related note, I'd like to start seeing more retro cool in paintball, Bling Bling, Four Fo's and ho's is so 2003. How about Rancid modelling some VM-68s, real tree and a wg-65, cuts a dash of new skool with old skool.