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New JT ad.....

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Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
And besides with today's advances in plastic surgery (and subsequent reductions in cost), anybody can have a companion like Chelsea.

Let's be honest there's no more excuse for ugly and athletically challenged women (unless you like that sort of thing).;)
Dec 19, 2002
Originally posted by Buddha 3
Look at it....there's not a single thing on that poster that JT sells....
Aw dude cum on!!!!!!!

lol when i saw the add i knew sum1 would give out the old 'wots this got to do with paintball'' cry!

I don't see the point in moanin bout there is no paintball stuff in the picture, its gonna attract attention and that s all good.

Why does paintball have to be differnt???? Why do we get the people who don't want to see hot chicks in adds.......why oh why!

I think to many people are to concerned with 'tha image' of paintball why dont we just let these chicks do their thing and let it be rather than ''oh my God people will get the wrong idea about paintball''

Chicks are all good man, she should have had no clothes on :D

But hey that underwear works for me :cool:


big big titties
i dont know why your all bitching about it not selling? so ok they use sex sells, EVERONE DOES its a simple fact that it works so why not use it, then its very clever:)rolleyes: ) and says got protection, which would imply to the un paintball crowd that its about condoms, but then we know JT sells pads and stuff, so we know its about that, therefore we are thinking of pads from JT, which may then make us inclinded to look on the website for some. so it works, i have no problem with it, i like JT stuff, and that ad makes me like it even more:)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Ah, but this is where you fail to see the point.
I have nothing against scantily clad women. I try to surround myself with as many as possible.
But the difference between this and most other ads is that most other ads at least have the lady in case strategically draped across what it is they're trying to sell. There is nothing here that has anything to do with JT. Had she been dressed in nothing but a pair of gloves, it would not only have turned even more heads, but also would have at least have something to do with paintball.

So hopefully their next ad will see Tyra Banks dressed in a pull-thru swab.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Yeah, she's hot, i'd do her...whatever

But i still prefer Dye's gear, looks better and more inovation of late. Plus their advertising style centers on the great look of their products and the fact that some of the best players in the world use their stuff. I wonder when the Dye advert feturing the Nexus boys will appear (aside from a certain Peter Robbinson)? I say that Bowen follews Yosh and Tyler in those 'star' full page adds. I cant wait to see him try the deep and thoughtfull look, i feel that extensive Photoshoping may be required :p
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