Personally, i really dont think there is much difference between a player shooting 15 bps at you or 19bps, your still gonna play exactly the same way
We went out this time last year, to San Francisco and played Xball against Infamous, Avalanche and the Assassins, they all had faster guns than i had ever played against, or even seen. On the Saturday i think it did make a difference, but we still won points off each of the three teams. Sunday was easeir, as the initial problem of never having faced that kind of volume of paint vanished. The guns were the same, but we played much better.
I really dont care if the other team are shooting 15 or 18 bps, you probably wouldnt even know anyway. Playing against the Russian Legion in Miami with no gun cheats and playing against a top American team in the MS or NPPL with gun cheats was the same.
But the difference is that US teams shoot their guns alot more than teams in the UK do, so a 15bps assisted firing mode will have more of an impact here than in the US,
Also policing at the NPPL may be an isue due to the number of teams they have in atttendence, 200 odd teams is a lot of guns to watch out for. The PA doesnt have anywhere near half of that and only has about 45 teams? Maybe 50 tops? Policing would be far easier if one or two people just watched games and sought out cheats, cos they are so obvious to the learned player/judge (which there are no shortage of) Hell, Russ is one of the most experienced judges in the UK, he could cheat spot a gun a mile off, why not do that, and buy a robot and increase the penalty for cheating?
The NPPL have a $500 fine in place for gun cheats now, why not do that in the PA and ban the player and the team? All they have to do is make the penalty for gettting caught so horiffic than teams do not want to risk it?
Say the PA state that they will check 30 guns at random frmo all the divisions at each event, each team would know they would have their guns taken at least once, but wouldnt know when. Tke tham over to the robot as soon as the flag has ben hung and test them. If they are cheating, then ban them for a year and fine them, have a clause put into the registration form saying that if they refuse to pay the league has the right to keep the gun untill they do. If they still dont pay, keep the gun and sell it.