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ne wargamers here?


Great Balls of Styrofoam
Every year we suffer from a collective bout of GW-stuff-hoarding. We squeeze ourselves into a coach to Birmingham where Games Day is being held. Trying to swim through throngs of frenzied foaming 12 year old Manchester fans who scream "DEATH TO THE SPACE MARINES!" or "ETERNALLY SUFFER TO THE HANDS OF OUR LEEDS SHOP MANAGER OF CHAOS! ROLL A D6!"

Every year we fool ourselves into thinking "we're not going next year are we?" and every year one of us idiots reserves tickets to the Gates of Hell anyway, but in the end we do have fun, despite each of us having fed that monster called Big Scam. So yes, it is a scam, but we're willingly falling prey to it like the dogs we are.


New Member
Apr 15, 2002
Not sure never been there
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Leads have always been expensive....i wish that ral partha was still in biz...they had good leads that were cheap....hmmm may be why they went out?......

I have a regiments worth of battlemechs just lying around collecting dust...sigh...think i'll go home and dig them out tonight.


Fat *******
Jul 9, 2001
I can't believe the high level of incompetence here......doesn't anyone know that lead figures aren't being produced anymore? Health hazard......
But anyway, all y'all is trippin'! Wargamers aren't nerds! They're merely people without real lives......
Oh, did I mention I work in a Games Workshop :rolleyes:

Poor me.

Originally posted by cowface1812
tortoise;;;;;;;;;;;;;; officialy the sad 1 here:), comon, no1 collects that much GW, i mean, ur saying uve spent over £1000 on those models,,, geeez, blow that for a game of darts:):)
Slightly more than that:D I really should add how much it is all worth one day but I dont think I have got the time to pull most of it out of the roof. I got offered £1600 for the darkangels alone last year. I also saved quite abit of money when I brought 22 squads of space marines for £7 a box when a shop near me closed down. Mind you I have been buying these damn things since the late eighties anybody remeber the complete adventurer figure?
Well I have him:D and the dwarf in boots

Oh and they are white metal now ( that was another price hike when the changed over) even though lead was cheaper at the time.


Jul 6, 2001
Cambs, England
Wow, and i thought we were few and far between!

Hmmmm, lemme see........

Been playing WH40k for 13 years or so. I have two silver demons and 2 bronze demons. I was a free lance painter for nearly 3 years, with much (uncredited) work published in white Dwarf.

I have a 10k Empire army, and prolly the same in dwarves. On top of that i have every thing from Space marines, through to epic, and the new inquisitor. In fact I have sooo much lead I must be radioactive!.

I have a full proffesionally made gaming table, complete with interlocking sceenery.

The crowning piece is the 40k scale Thunderhawk, made out of lead ! ( a whoopoing 5.5 kilo's, a bucket of superglue and 3 days of construction)!

The only down side is that now i dont get to play, being a fully fledged grown up! (anyone wanna make me an offer on this stuff?)

oh, and Budda, if you were an area manager for GW did you know a guy called Thomas Laing? I think he worked over there in 94-96??