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Nations Cup @ MS Campaign Cup Basildon


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Team GB has to include Junior Brown and Beadle surely?

Ad, I think there's gonna be an awful lot of 'should haves' mate ....the first being, people should have been given a lot more time, or people should have been made aware who was gonna be involved .... and so on and so on ..... :rolleyes:


Feb 3, 2008
Southend, Essex
I think whoever is in Team Gb we should support them whole heartedly.
Lets face it whoever they chose wont be everyone's choice as everyone has different ideas who the uk's best players are, but we need to get behind them and give all our support and lets hope they win it for GB :)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
harold, win what mate?
It means absolutely nothing; it has no precedent, no accreditation, no history, no organisation and absolutely no relevance to anything to do regrading producing the best team out of the best teams ..... it's been an absolute put-together rush of an event .... let's face it, why on earth would you wanna go watch it???
harold, you go wave your Union Jack mate and good luck to ya for showing a degree of patriotism but I believe if you wanna hold a national based event then you have to do it properly !!
It's disrespectful doing it this way ..

Twizz ECI

London Tigers 2
Jan 8, 2003
harold, win what mate?
It means absolutely nothing; it has no precedent, no accreditation, no history, no organisation and absolutely no relevance to anything to do regrading producing the best team out of the best teams ..... it's been an absolute put-together rush of an event .... let's face it, why on earth would you wanna go watch it???
harold, you go wave your Union Jack mate and good luck to ya for showing a degree of patriotism but I believe if you wanna hold a national based event then you have to do it properly !!
It's disrespectful doing it this way ..
I know its not been put together properley, and some of us are putting our hands in our pockets to enter the Team, but we have to make do with the time we have, and the players I have talked to are pround to play for Team GB, so I am asking for support please!!!!!!!!!!!

and the players would like it also

Thank you


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Twizz, a lot of us have been putting our hands in our pockets for years, that's not a novel initiative mate .... it's also not unreasonable to assess, or even ask what you are getting for your money ... I know exactly why you've stumped up this cash, it would just have been nice to have seen a similar degree of commitment from those who host it.


London Impact
Jul 9, 2007
Not that i ever would have gone as there are alot of amazing players here in the UK but were there even any trials held for this or is it picked on who knows who ??? as i had never seen this advertised or promoted anywhere

Jay Ford

Feb 3, 2011
I will be watching/lending a hand in the pits if need be.
This may not be the best organised event which has left the teams (uk team more than others due to uncertainties ect) with little time for preparation but it is still a team representing England.
I’m sure for the majority of players at campaign it will be made up of team mates/friends/players they respect and have learnt from and as such should be supported not shunned for the possible ulterior motives the organisers have.

Maybe instead of considering this a world cup spectacle it should be seen more as a bit of fun, a game if you will. Who knows it may even help to unite British paintball.

(Scott from what I understand the selection process was completed by a number of non participating individuals taking a maximum of two players from the countries top 6 team, independent players of merit were no doubt considered but to keep a fair spread the amount from one single team was limited).


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Not that i ever would have gone as there are alot of amazing players here in the UK but were there even any trials held for this or is it picked on who knows who ??? as i had never seen this advertised or promoted anywhere
Euh, I can't imagine the federation doing trials with every single player being british.
Using players from top divisions should be good (there is a lot of teams in CPL and SPL having great players; And the Firm too).
Even for football, they scout top divisions, even if they have a bigger budget.

Not sure who Twizz and Spike selected. But Twizz is around for years, and know most players from top teams. Great choice for a coach.
I hoppe victory and image are something they care about. Don't really want to see GB using dirty players or famous for unsporting behaviour....

Looking forward for this, event is it's nothing on this day, it's good for overall image. Even for other paintball players. "GB playing France" is a lot more easy to understand and support than "Darlington Monkey against Rodez Killers" for people not following tournaments and people watching paintball because their friend play it.

But this come back to another question: "Is trying to get general public into paintball a lost cause ?"