I have statistics from all our games since 1998 (10 Big Paintball Maneuvers games, 12 River Crossing games plus 5 other games, all from 300+ players to 1000 players).
Each time there was a 5-10% disbalance but bigger side won not all games but 17 out of 27 (62%).
Size doesn't matter
Statistics mean nothing if manipulated and / or presented in an inappropriate manner and I'm afraid you are doing one of either if you feel that your statement implies anything meaningful.
As for 'tactical command' mentioned by
Jaamie, there is none, or rather none of any real relevance or practical value.
One of the areas tourney players (pros) will ascend is in the area of understanding; with training and development of individuals (technical development) and an understanding of team dynamics being integral factors.
There is no such attendant understanding that I could perceive in recball.
Talk of 'who wins or who loses' is academic here (other than bragging rights on a Monday morning) because this is not the reason rec ball is played, nor should it be.
This may sound like a trite cliché but 'everybody wins' because the reason for playing rec is to have fun and so in that sense, there are no losers.
If you find yourself bleating on about (in any serious sense) about who wins or loses then you really need to put down your M16 lookalike, call over a medic and ask him/her to insert a chill pill ... I'll let you guess where