Yup I agree with you guys The thought of getting muged on sup air really put me off even trying.
After watching the pros chasing each other round the coke cans at campaing I mention no names but they were going for the head shots and from only feet away this really looked nasty and as we all tend to follow their lead .............. This is how I thought it was.
Having done a few mugging of my own now I am trying to go for pack and aviod anything that will hurt too much.
After practise at the week end have a nice "collection" of welts it's a him or me situation and I was dealing them out too!
And yup took one in arse and one on hip playing nottingham, one on arseok but other on hip a pain but then play with the boys and it's your rules. I have had far worse welts from wood land and more agressive play. Let alone marshalling. I always explain to rec customers it's up to them if they go home black and blue / bleeding if they get too close they will get hurt they don't want to do that so 99% of the time they play fair and not too full on.
Maybe it's time we had a line ?
I fully understand it's all about the heat of the moment and an adrealine sport. Why do you think I love it too am big time adrealine junkie but some teams are more sporting than othersI know teams who train for hand shots thus messing up the players games for the day. Any one here ever played with a shot up hand? I have was still pissing blood every were and stuck to glove, I've played games wondering if I will be able to drive home after hand shot and no feeling or movement in little finger.
You will always get agressive players who play the grey areas it streaches the whole spectrum of grey, from whipping to taking advantage of being nutral and abusing rookie marshals.
The ying to the yang is there are fun fair teams out there the ones who give the tourneys that play good atmoshpher. Not every one will ever play totally clean no sport manages it. Mother dear was a compertion long distance horse ridder (now a sport) and there rules are far strickter but they still got bent! But at least the pleasure riddes were on big pub crawl i kid you not lol good job horse only on water lol
See you all in the middle practising for the pack and not to squeel too much when lit up!! off to get legs waxed now god knows what they will say when they see welts lol do i care no stocking up on thick black stockings lol