To answer a few questions.
X ball will now be one division so on most of the day as it stands.
To be played on paris layout, current millenium rules, SPL 10 min, race to 4 points format match.
5 Man will also be one division played on a 30 bunker layout similar to the one played in training last weekend with a few additions. 5 min game time, play each team twice as it stands at the moment with 2 flag game.
3 man will be one division, teams play each other best of 3 (first to 2 wins) with centre flag game on a minimum of a 20 bunker layout.
All guns must comply with 12 bps cap but can be semi or millennium ramping. For this event there is no limitation on paint in any division.
Any questions PM away and ill answer them as quick as i can