October the 10th is a Saturday.........ie this Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!got this from the other thread twizz
this is just to show you guys how our dates work with the Millennium dates. We will have a full press realease for next week with all our 09 proposed date sfor our events, training sessions etc. All CPPS events will have X ball light, 5 man and 3 man. No event in Jan so it gives us all time to recover from xmas
Dates in italic are the Millenium Series dates.
Feb 8th Pre season warm up cup event.
March 8th CPPS rd 1
April 19th CPPS rd 2
April 24th - 26th Fuengirola Beach Malaga Spain
May 24th CPPS rd 3
May 29th - 31st London or Germany - Venue confirmation shortly
July 3rd - 5th France - Venue confirmation shortly
July 12th CPPS rd 4
August 30th CPPS rd 5
Sept 11th - 13th Germany or London - Venue confirmation shortly
Oct 10th CPPS rd 6
Oct 16th - 18th Venue confirmation shortly
Nov 28/29th CUP EVENT