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Moderators,,,Gods or Hitlerites!!!

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
One quick note on this thread, as it seems to be taking a nnicer tone than some of the other 'kill all moderators' threads.
Just Curious, your post is reasonable. You ask some questions, and people try to answer them. But using the term Hitlerites in the title is more than a bit out of line, and frankly a bit insulting.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad, just a bit disturbed by it. But your post was a lot more benign than it's title.


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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I think part of the problem here is that people seem to be defining the purpose of the various boards in different ways. Those of us who have been posting here for a while have slipped into a certain way of thinking when it comes to what goes where; now there are new mods who seem to have a different definition of this.

An example - some people have been asked by mods to use "Announcements & Queries" for various types of posts like looking for a guest player for a tournament, but the definition of this particular forum is "our announcements and your questions regarding this website and the forums". This to me says that it should be used just for stuff directly related to how the boards work & such like, which is why I never start threads there except ones like Virus alerts.

I completely understand that the mods have to clamp down on some threads which are in completely inappropriate places, or degenerate into a light hearted slagging match between friends. However, there are some threads that have been moved that I certainly thought were in the closest place to the correct one; if we had enough forums to cover every eventuality then we would have hundreds.

So, IMHO a thread disecting a tournament even one that has passed belongs in the tournament thread if only because I can't see anywhere more appropriate - we don't have a "Social" or a "Events feedback" type forum which might be closer in definition.

I know that P8nt supports these boards & kindly supplied us with a resource that's free to the members & they have to pay for, but surely when so many established contributers are showing a united view then maybe they should be listened to? Me, I don't really care what the different boards are named as long as I know where to post what I want to say, & where to find the stuff I'm most interested in.
Some good points Liz, and we are currently rebranding the announcements section. The problem is that the forums, which are supposed to encourage open debate from the international paintball community, have started to degenerate into people thanking other people, or announcing they need a player, or asking someone else to contact them - this is not the stuff of debate.

Therefore, from now on all messages like the above - and also announcements about upcoming tournaments, big games etc. - need to go in Announcements, which is being re-qualified as we speak.


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Personally I have no problem with discussing a tournament that has already taken place in the tournament section. I think it's a good way of bringing to light what was good and what went wrong, so that hopefully people may benefit and learn from it. I think what Baca's main problem is, and one that I can actually relate to (and one I have been guilty of on a rare occasion) is the backslapping ones. You know the type: "Hey Billy, good to see you again mate! Thanks for a good day!" That's the sort of thing telephones and e-mail was made for. There was a whole lot of that going on...


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Originally posted by Liz
I think part of the problem here is that people seem to be defining the purpose of the various boards in different ways. Those of us who have been posting here for a while have slipped into a certain way of thinking when it comes to what goes where; now there are new mods who seem to have a different definition of this.

An example - some people have been asked by mods to use "Announcements & Queries" for various types of posts like looking for a guest player for a tournament, but the definition of this particular forum is "our announcements and your questions regarding this website and the forums". This to me says that it should be used just for stuff directly related to how the boards work & such like, which is why I never start threads there except ones like Virus alerts.

I completely understand that the mods have to clamp down on some threads which are in completely inappropriate places, or degenerate into a light hearted slagging match between friends. However, there are some threads that have been moved that I certainly thought were in the closest place to the correct one; if we had enough forums to cover every eventuality then we would have hundreds.

So, IMHO a thread disecting a tournament even one that has passed belongs in the tournament thread if only because I can't see anywhere more appropriate - we don't have a "Social" or a "Events feedback" type forum which might be closer in definition.

I know that P8nt supports these boards & kindly supplied us with a resource that's free to the members & they have to pay for, but surely when so many established contributers are showing a united view then maybe they should be listened to? Me, I don't really care what the different boards are named as long as I know where to post what I want to say, & where to find the stuff I'm most interested in.
Well said Liz, and actually pretty much exactly what I said in another thread that got deleted :rolleyes: ;) :D

TJ, I hope what you are doing works. I get the feeling that the tournament forum may just become stale with few postings. I hope that is not a worse situation than previously.

Will stopping the friendly posts actually incite more discussion? I wonder. I would suggest that inciting more discussion is the important thing to do such that the friendly posts do not take up so much space at the top of the board.

Good luck with your endeavours :) I hope they work out as your envision.



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Hey TJ, in the light of all of this wouldn't it be an idea maybe to have a friendly or 'contact's forum where people could go to get hold of people and do the banter/back slapping bit without getting in the way of other topics, or is that what announcement should be? Announcement sounds too serious and implies something else more important. Maybe a new forum or re-naming the *ahem clears voice* 'Announcements and Queries' forum.


p.s. is the Querie forum where John Sosta is supposed to hang out? :D

I tottally argree that the boards need to be kept clear of all the small talk, this is not the first time we have had this "discussion" Baco Loca you are just relitavly new. Which is not a problem:)

I totally understand from PGI's point of veiw you need to keep the boards international it goes hand in hand with the mag going international. I have no problem with this at all and think it is for the good of us all and as a sport.

I do post responces to non uk questions if I can help or in support, cause it's always good to know some one cares. I have also made a point of visiting web sites and leaving messages.

If you want to keep this international you need to incorage more international members and get them to post. Have you visted war pig resently talk about inane dribble and getting hit on by porn yuk god help us if that were to ever happen to p8.

Like I said last time we had this debate the forum may be yours but our veiws are are own and we will experss them and some member will vote with their key boards and not post . The girls comming out was one instance there have been others. I used to talk to a lovely lady player from denmark I think but she got put off with all the heat at the time.

As with any thing that grows you can strangle it ( square tomartoes) and make it fit a box or you can let it grow and breath and let it reach it's true potential some times as with your children you have to let it grow and make it's own mistakes.

Surley you rember a time before zelous moding and we the colective all acctually got fed up of posting dribble and some fine and exciting debating was started.

If you look and I do know they are few and far between but we are getting more usa if not anything else post re any one play here. It is just not us brits we just have a larger voice. This one was debated not that long ago guys and girls rember. So may it's not us thats the problem maybe the internatioals should be incoraged to dip there toes in the water and stop being so aloof they may even find it's fun.

I do not propose anarky but all things find there level and if there is a need it will out and to didtate causes frustartions and will ultimatly kill a very good vibe we got going on.

peace (I don't like fighting it gets messy and I break nails) love hugs (cause they are good and every one needs one some time) and cookies do I need to explain



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Fair words Sparklie...

I'm just wondering (in my position as devils advocate), were there more complaints about people's posting drivel before then there are now about the movings and confusion? Are there more unhappy people now than there were before? Is anything beneficial being achieved now that wasn't before?

Or is it just a jobsworth case of 'posts are now where WE want them'?...

It seems to me that where as there was some drivel people were playing happily together until posts started getting moved and deleted and people were unclear about why and what they should do.

If you look at the people who were unhappy about the drivel they tended to be less influential people in the paintball scheme of things who just like to have a gripe :) if you look at the people who are unhappy now they are the tournament organisers and people who do try and acheive things for our sport as well as taking an active part in it, that has to be of concern.

Just food for thought.



New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
Visit site
OK, now I'm REALLY confused! The redefined forum Announcements, Contacts & Queries has as part of it's description "...organizing a tournament or a big game...". So what is supposed to be going into the Tournament forum? We've already been told we can't post after-tourney comments & feedback, the Midlands Masters series announcement was moved & this description says we should be putting schedules etc elsewhere, so what actually CAN we put in there?
Maybe it should be renamed "International Tournaments" or something, as that's all we seem to be allowed to post about ;)