I hope i can shed some light on this matter; I started the SAD web site about 5 years ago. Very since that time I just plodded along adding or making new web sites. Because I programme in HTML, old fashioned I know but that was all they had back the done on note pad.
Over the years this have changed on the web and at home, now im self employed I spend most of my time with my own work. This has left the SAD & MM wed sits a bit out of date and lack of information.
Due to this concern, we at SPC decided that we are going to have a web committee and start working on the sites. Right now Cussie has come up with what you are seeing right now, he need to know how quick it came up and some other tests.
Thinks are going to change and we are looking at updates on tournament days, every 3 hours but this is still in the pipe line. We are improving but like of lot of things it takes time. Please remember this is not our full time jobs and no one in the team doses this for a living.
Please keep your comments coming so we can look at was to improve both web sites.