interesting points
Ill keep it short again
yes they have managed to ban paintball in germany without banning the gun I believe perhaps Nick will enlighten us on the full facts in brief
I only do breif as it makes the thread less tedious and boring- no offence meant
I agree with your point on punters spending money brings sponsorship to our sport through the sites and paint spent
I go back to an original point that I played at sites for quite a few years before playing in tournaments as did lots of my freinds and colleagues, Ive paid my due dollar, why should I thank an occasional player, I should thank all responsible site owners like my captain Russell Steele who runs an excellent site-Hamburger Hill and really knows the benefit of looking after the customer-he should pay me for that plug
I should thank my sponsors which I do regularly
I should thank Steve Bull for all his effort
I should thank Marshalls who do a thankless task and get all sorts of crap
and finally my wife, my son,daughter and dog, let snot forget GOD as well oh and Jerry Braun and every member of my team and all others for the good fun over the years
But being a sponsored player I also see it as my aim to bring
1, people to the sport through sites
2, taking the sport to a safer and respected level in the eyes of the public(one of nicks points)
3 more of a public understanding
4, bringing more players into tournament paintball
5, helping and training teams with or without sponsorship to achieve a better level
6, helping tournament operators to succeed in there tournament
7, very contensious, get a hold on the poor and dangerous sites in the country and close them down, now here I am talking about sites that use inadequate equipment and have a very poor safety standard
8, stopping, banning same in my eyes im afraid to say
stop-vput an end to the progress, motion. effectively hinder or prevent. discontinue. come to an end. lets lots more but I promised breif
9, ban the right to use the marker or move from ones personal property which would mean you own it but thats it, theres a couple
We all can get touchy on the marketing side of paintball which I explained to Niall on Sunday at Temple, my views which are difficult to explain in text are now understood and I believe I may even get an invite for my opinions and vision at a later date
My views of course are mine and I believe we are actually talking the same talk but from slightly different angles as what we percieve to be relevant in our choice of play
I dont own a site or have any affiliation to any, I make no profit from any paintball product, is this where the truth lies perhaps
Just a few I have more
Ill keep it short again
yes they have managed to ban paintball in germany without banning the gun I believe perhaps Nick will enlighten us on the full facts in brief
I only do breif as it makes the thread less tedious and boring- no offence meant
I agree with your point on punters spending money brings sponsorship to our sport through the sites and paint spent
I go back to an original point that I played at sites for quite a few years before playing in tournaments as did lots of my freinds and colleagues, Ive paid my due dollar, why should I thank an occasional player, I should thank all responsible site owners like my captain Russell Steele who runs an excellent site-Hamburger Hill and really knows the benefit of looking after the customer-he should pay me for that plug
I should thank my sponsors which I do regularly
I should thank Steve Bull for all his effort
I should thank Marshalls who do a thankless task and get all sorts of crap
and finally my wife, my son,daughter and dog, let snot forget GOD as well oh and Jerry Braun and every member of my team and all others for the good fun over the years
But being a sponsored player I also see it as my aim to bring
1, people to the sport through sites
2, taking the sport to a safer and respected level in the eyes of the public(one of nicks points)
3 more of a public understanding
4, bringing more players into tournament paintball
5, helping and training teams with or without sponsorship to achieve a better level
6, helping tournament operators to succeed in there tournament
7, very contensious, get a hold on the poor and dangerous sites in the country and close them down, now here I am talking about sites that use inadequate equipment and have a very poor safety standard
8, stopping, banning same in my eyes im afraid to say
stop-vput an end to the progress, motion. effectively hinder or prevent. discontinue. come to an end. lets lots more but I promised breif
9, ban the right to use the marker or move from ones personal property which would mean you own it but thats it, theres a couple
We all can get touchy on the marketing side of paintball which I explained to Niall on Sunday at Temple, my views which are difficult to explain in text are now understood and I believe I may even get an invite for my opinions and vision at a later date
My views of course are mine and I believe we are actually talking the same talk but from slightly different angles as what we percieve to be relevant in our choice of play
I dont own a site or have any affiliation to any, I make no profit from any paintball product, is this where the truth lies perhaps
Just a few I have more