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Millennium and Eurosport


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
anyone remember Hermit?He had the same problem.He just kept going and going,lol
What happened to that guy?

Addendum: Oh I just checked, he's banned :(
It seems as though his infection got the better of him, I think it might have been me who administered the final pillow to his mouth .........hmmmmm, I never quite get used to that final struggle for breath as he slides toward oblivion to lay at rest with whatever point he was making.

Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
Ahhh brockdorff his persistence brought great amusement to anyone reading.

Its a bad path to follow...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Life amazes me sometimes because it throws up some truly amazing incidents that on the surface defy rational thinking.
The only way I can get a handle on brockdorffitis is to liken it to heroin addicts.

Those addicts know full well their condition is gonna kill them but the need for the hit is immediate and in a practical sense, uncontrollable, and therefore they submit themselves to an act that has doom written all over it.

Such is the fate of those poor souls who follow similar paths to brockdorff; at the back of their brains somewhere, they know they are being driven, and they also realise the path they are taking is carrying them away from what's right or the truth of the matter...but still, their foot slams itself on the accelerator pedal.

The trick here is, or rather the cure is, to understand what it is that's driving them and this is where maybe each case starts to distinguish itself because even though their reactions are the same, the causes can be different.

With brockforff, it was borne out of an almost pathological arrogance that he was always right and having the prospect of being proved wrong on these boards was just too much to bear ...hence his continuance and inevitable crash into oblivion.

It could of course be argued, or maybe even pointed out, that I too suffer from bouts of overwhelming arrogance and believing I am right all the time .... this might hold some water and I'm struggling to come up with some text that might counter this possibility ... I suppose my only defence is, take each case as you see it and read what it is written...if it's me who is losing the plot, I got enough (real) friends on here that will drop me a PM and tell me to stop talking bollocks.
But the real test for any debate is to look at what's written and try to discern why it's written.

Bug is wrong in what he says and only the future will convince him, what makes me curious is, what is his distinction with this condition, what is driving him down this road?


Aug 31, 2008
I think it's fair to say we agree to disagree. My point in all of this has been to illustrate that this is not a futile effort. There is no downside to getting paintball on telly if it is done correctly. I also wished to point out that your argument vs the need for high viewing figures isnt the case in all aspects of sports broadcasting in Europe. I am mor ethan aware of the Broclidwarf, i just feel that all i have done is counter your points with valid and well described reasons.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I think it's fair to say we agree to disagree. My point in all of this has been to illustrate that this is not a futile effort. There is no downside to getting paintball on telly if it is done correctly. I also wished to point out that your argument vs the need for high viewing figures isnt the case in all aspects of sports broadcasting in Europe. I am mor ethan aware of the Broclidwarf, i just feel that all i have done is counter your points with valid and well described reasons.

I honestly, and genuinely hope this is the case Bug but I suppose I might have become too cynical with witnessing each and every single attempt to get our sport onto TV.
I, as well as you, have become enthused and excited at the prospect of televising our sport only to have it dashed again...and again...and again.
The final truth dawned on me some time back and since then, I suppose I have given up hope and had to face the truth of the matter.

You did in a sense counter some of my points, but they started to veer off toward the end and you seemed to be becoming more embroiled in keeping your argument alive instead of facing up to the truth.
If this was not the case, then I apologise, I misinterpreted your reasoning.

I suppose we differ in assessing the chances of success with you coming down on the side of it 'not being futile'...well, going and buying a lottery ticket isn't futile .. someone's gotta win it Bug... and with that in mind, putting our present formatted game on TV isn't futile either.

As you say, let's agree to disagree and with that in mind, I'll take you off the infected list and put you on my misguided list :)

Peace !


Platinum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Essex, England
What happened to that guy?
Funnily enough he works in Television now covering sporting events, like cricket and UFC :eek

Bug, listen to me mate, the only way you are gonna get out of industry companies involved in taking out ads in any TV show ad slot is by creating the necessary demographic i.e. the very thing you dismissed as one of the major differences between us and the Yanks ...yep, you got it...ratings.
Pete you are right - we need to deliver to these outside companies what they need. I tried to draw a parrallel to some other event that was heavily advertised but shown in a non primetime slot.

The only thing I could come up with was the Red Bull Air Race. Did anyone know anything about this prior to seeing the adverts for tickets? These were very quick adverts shown at all times during the day including primetime. The programme itself I only ever saw was very early in the morning.

We have to be able to show "REAL" figures of what we can provide and unfortunately I think we as an industry think that we are bigger than we actually are.


the red bull air race was pretty nuts - my god are those pilots completely off there trolley - i stumbled upon a rerun on some digital channel a while back (months ago) and watched it briefly.

and that's similar to the point i tried to make on 'ball on TV - it will be a bit of passing novelty as far as viewing goes.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I will give a point to Bug here, when he says that it will not be futile, in the sense that it won't damage paintball if it's shown on TV, even if hardly anybody would watch it. After all, any publicity is good publicity.
It would be damagingif it made participation more expensive, but for now I assume that not to be the case.
This does raise the question that if Eurosport doesn't make programs, but rather just broadcasts them, who will make it and more importantly, who will be paying? (although I fear I know the answer)
If the MS has to pay for it, it would make sense to try to get outside sponsors to pay for it, but if you want companies that matter to chip in for 2009, you're already too late. 95% of those already have their budgets for next year set in stone... So chances are that the bill will indeed end up with the players. And trust me, it will be EXPENSIVE. I've been involved with filming American football games for Fox Networks (NFL-E) and it's safe to assume that filming those are easier than filming paintball....

I am however not as positive about the amount of outside sponsorship it'll bring. Particularly now that the economy gets tighter, companies will want the most bang for their buck. While I agree that product placement is an excellent tool, most companies will rather put their money someplace where they will get more exposure (like the aforementioned items on Eastenders), rather than some middle of the night vague sports show. After all, you can only spend your money once, so spending it on the most effective marketing makes sense.

Don't get me started on the Red Bull Air Race, I live about a quarter mile from where it was held here in Holland. All day it sounded like the Luftwaffe had come back to finish the job they had started over Rotterdam on may 14th, 1940...