ive known simon since i first started and have never had any touble playing against or marshaling him in the time ive been playing (12 Years)......until this year when i had to hold him back from a player who was mouthing of at his team.
Its very sad that he has reacted in this way and i hope that all this bother can be sorted out soon and we can get back to the sport we all enjoy.
we all know the risk either playing all marshaling that at times you will get hit excesivley at times but with guns doing 15 - 20 BPS it gonna unfortunatley happen (or do we all want to go back to pumps then we will ONLY get hit 3 or 4 times)
my first post in donkeys ages
SAD Robbo
Its very sad that he has reacted in this way and i hope that all this bother can be sorted out soon and we can get back to the sport we all enjoy.
we all know the risk either playing all marshaling that at times you will get hit excesivley at times but with guns doing 15 - 20 BPS it gonna unfortunatley happen (or do we all want to go back to pumps then we will ONLY get hit 3 or 4 times)
my first post in donkeys ages
SAD Robbo