They are some very strange divisions!
For instance Hostile Takeover came 7th in Div E at Stoke but have been promoted to Div D while Dusted Munkey came 2nd and are still in Div E!
I do hope that your comment that the correct divisions will be posted later is corrrect.
How about having 5 divisions of 10 this time, then if any more teams drop out you will still have a minimum of 9 in the division.
For instance Hostile Takeover came 7th in Div E at Stoke but have been promoted to Div D while Dusted Munkey came 2nd and are still in Div E!
I do hope that your comment that the correct divisions will be posted later is corrrect.
How about having 5 divisions of 10 this time, then if any more teams drop out you will still have a minimum of 9 in the division.