Try this for an idea
Instaed of only a hopper of paint, how about the whole team is allowed only a hopper of paint, except the captain who is allowed three pots, he can give them to whichever players he likes.
We could go one step further and introduce a paint handicapping system, where a novice team captain is allowed say four pots, an amateur captain three pots, and a pro team two.
What do you think?
What are your views on the centre flag?
How about a time bonus on the hang?
Say 50 for the hang if its hung in under 8 min, 45 under 9 min, 40 over 9 min.
Or even on the first grab?
25 points if its pulled in the first 5 min, 20 if its in the last 5 min.
Just ideas guys, lets us know what you think.
The Midlands Masters run by players for the players, with the player in mind.