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Michael Jackson dead?


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
I believe that news should be used in order to increase awareness of the different events which are occuring in the world.

Those who dont believe that it is not news worthy are largely influenced by the demand of the people and what the people demand is what concerns me.
Please dont tell me your THAT nieve to think that news organisations are in it for anything more than the money?

What makes profit IS the news. Events over the world which are of little interest to the average joe public vs the death of an iconic pop star. What do you think will always go on the news.

I am aware of the various issues going on around the world, but how much I care is a different matter. And ill say now without any regret, I dont care. Does that make me ignorant? In my opinion not, in your probably yes. But like I said, I don't care, and won't unless it was going to dramatically alter my life in some way.


Mar 13, 2009
If you re read what I wrote then you'll see that it is the way I believe that it should be. If you dont care then its simply your call. I do care because its part of my value system in life.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
If you re read what I wrote then you'll see that it is the way I believe that it should be. If you dont care then its simply your call. I do care because its part of my value system in life.
While what you believe is admirable as it is, in my opinion, one which will never be "feasable" in our lifetimes. By the time the world has got to the point that what "should" be reported and brought to the attension of everyone who can make a difference, they already would have.

I think myself, why bother, its not going to make me happy to send £2 to some kid in africa, its not even going to make me feel good, so why should I? Narrow minded and selfish, yes. But the only way I think of getting anywhere in life will be to pave my own way, not pave the way for others, as by the time they can get around to making you money on the effort you put in, youll be long dead.

To add ontop of my beleifs, I don't beleive in any gods, spirits or afterlife. I do however believe in something similar to the Jewish Sephirot, but on a MUCH more personal level.

What does it boil down to. Well all in all, if you want to get anywhere in life, realistically the only person you need to look out for is yourself. (very simplified for the sake of I cant be bothered to type any more)


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Are we talking about Jacko? Or the cast of Blue Peter? ;)

But hey, don't stop till you get enough Buddha :p
Haha! I loved how the popper-stopper on the microphone was in flames when she went down.

But you know I can't stop, won't stop, I'm a bad boy for life.*

* By the great warrior-poet Sean Combs/Sean "Puffy" Combs/Puff Daddy/P Diddy/Diddy/Pee Doodoo.**

** Obviously I'm being sarcastic. The only reason Diddy is allowed to live is because he produced "flava in ya ear" by Craig Mack. I will now go and chastise myself for using the words great and Diddy in one sentence.


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
Hi Pete.

doing ok despite the dialysis and blood pressure issues. family doing fine.

hope you and yours are same.

heres another MJ "tribute" for peeps!