Heya grantHear Hear...
Guys i marshalled the walk-on, there were no serious complaints made on the day, so why bother bringing it all up on the forum?
The Walk-on at Mayhem is and always has been, a day for ALL 'ballers to come along and have a good day! Woods-ballers play more open fields, X-ballers play more woods fields, and everyone has a laugh.
Mayhem are not going to change days around, or give either group their own day, it all just comes down to who turns up, who marshalls and the weather.
I had planned a mini-tourney on the Sup-air field during the day, but as has been stated, Halloween were training for the majority of the day. I tried my hardest to play a good mix of fields, and to quote one of the more experienced ballers there "Ya can't please everyone all of the time, just try to please most of us most of the time and it will be fine".
At the end of the day, as far as i was aware, everyone had a good time, no-one complained to me that we played too many of a particular type of field, and everyone went home smiling.
Just a small note mate. If next time you want the sup air and we have it at the time i'm more then happy to pull my guys off for the walk on for half hour or an hour. As you could see we were running drills etc for campaign but are happy to take a break once in a while.
Also Mayhem marshal