So now a walkon day is only woodsball??? If you play a walkon, you play every field, and playing x ball is apart of that, i thought it was a great day, all the areas were good, but i still want to play x ball. There was a whole thread about how a few players went and played x ball by themselves and that stirred up a fuss, and now x ball isnt even counted as part of the walkon, what is that about. Every time someone hinted at x ball, people made excuses not to go, if everyone who wanted to play x ball made an excuse about playing in the woods, half the group wouldnt go to the woods. I will admit there is a divide between the woodsballers and the x ballers, but there is only one X ball field, but there are 5 woods ball fields, plus another 7 fields that are there. In any case, sup air should be a priority field like urban, something that has to be done as far as im concerned. If people dont want to play it, then the rule shoule be, anyone who doesnt want to play a field, doesnt have to, yet when x ballers went off last month, it cause a massive fuss.