First of all shadow it has ended and this is something different, i have the right to say what i have as all the walkon people i have talked to or come to me about this saying the same thing, I am not going to name names but i will say this dont get too cocky about this as it affects everyone,many have tryed talking to u guys about this but u dont do anything about it.
Maybe u was not there the last few walkons,people are not happy and when they try to sort out with those who they have problems with, they just get ignored or told to shut up or even we pay we play whatever we like,remember that one shadow? if u keep up with the hostle posts then u will find alot of empty walkons, this was a good clean decusion untill shadow and proto posted, so please think before u post as there is no need for this hostle post.
Please read carefully and reply with a good manner.
Maybe u was not there the last few walkons,people are not happy and when they try to sort out with those who they have problems with, they just get ignored or told to shut up or even we pay we play whatever we like,remember that one shadow? if u keep up with the hostle posts then u will find alot of empty walkons, this was a good clean decusion untill shadow and proto posted, so please think before u post as there is no need for this hostle post.
Please read carefully and reply with a good manner.