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Mayhem Walk on July 15th


May 14, 2007
Guys do rember i have also played a bit of sup air so i know what sup air means.

If u could get a day just for supair then all u need is like 6 teams of 5/7 players each, meaning u wont wait for long as games are very short,it also gives u time to refill pots and air while u wait so u can keep playing.

But if u need more info on this then let me know and i will do what i can to help u.

anyway whos else is comming on 15th for the WALKON?

Potter Loki

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
i will almost deff be there with my bro, keep me posted on a supair day though yaris am very interested ta


Apr 27, 2006
right this ends here, yaris (im not going to put your real name) me and you spoke at training the other day and things should of ended there

but straight to the point. we paid to play, we pay for paint and the only things we gained was more enjoyment out of the day and a little more experience thanks to halloween.

but we was not the only players to miss games many of the games was missing 2-3 players on each field.

but im not going to be the one to make mayhem loose business so iv decided because of all the problems that seem to be MY fault wether they are or not i will not be playing any more walk on and i will make sure my lads stay with the group at all times.

now if there is any more problems please go through mayhem directly instead of linch mobbing the site from online.

Will L

Apr 21, 2007
Anyway so back on topic with the walk on, as much as i like sup air, i think it is nice to have a mix of sup air and scenario based levels on the walk on. I do prefer sup air, but i find it more fun to have a mix.

As long as i get a bit of time on sup air ill be happy.

Oh and yaris, you say mayhem will lose customers, well if what they are doing with the walk ons is so bad, why are they coming back and they get regulars turning up. Surely they must like the way its run and must enjoy there walk on if they are coming back? And as chris said, the main aim is for ballers to enjoy themselves, if they are, then at the end of the day it doesnt matter, as long as they have fun.