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masters-12 teams 11 games????


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
Graham-DV8 said:
As on the front of speeding a day up, having an extra feld (yes 6 in total) would mean normal start and finish time and not so long waits between games (50/60mins), but then finding another set of ref's could cause problems + extra cost.
I'm with Graham on this, an earlier start meens getting up at stupid o'clock, please keep it at 09:00 and speed thing up during the day.

Elsham eagles


Active Member
Jul 2, 2004
Visit site
i would preffer a later trip home instead of an earlier trip there, but if an extra field could be put up i think that would be the best option.

Iron Lions - Ed

Active Member
Oct 16, 2003
I would also prefer an earlier start to finish at a reasonable time BUT having said that I think there is room get the fields running with a quicker turnover even without the extra fields. Just need to hussle those teams onto the fields once the previous game ends. While the ultimate is getting the sheet signed let's have a ref assigned to go get the next two teams onto the field and perform the random chronos. If a team is late (not always their fault based on other fields falling behind) bring on the next pair after them if they are both there and then go back to the first one.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
with 5 feilds to walk and setting up ect makes for a very stressed first hour of the day ? and if your running late and your on first game could be a bit harsh,

Iron Lions - Ed

Active Member
Oct 16, 2003
It's a fair point that some people work on Saturday and can't walk. Some of our guys have to occasionaly travel up from South London on Sunday morning as well but we do try and get most guys up Saturday afternoon to walk the fields. Some is better than none.

I have to say I don't feel it is the tournament organisers responsibility to provide time in the morning to walk the field if it is going to impact the timing of the event. If they can offer more games for an earlier start that's fine by me :) If teams want the advantage of detailed field walking they need at least 20 minutes on each so a morning walk of only allows a cursory glimpse to decide who goes where on the break anyway. If teams want an advantage and to progress up the rankings they need to find their own time to walk the fields properly. Wendy does her bit by making sure they are available on Saturday. Having said that it is getting lighter now so should allow for peole leaving home later.

Again I suppose it makes a difference on your motivation for going. For some people it's justa day out with mates playing paintball which is fine and this obviously hits them harder but for those taking it more seriously and wanting to compete it should be welcomed. I can feel a whole discussion coming on so I'll stop now. :)