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Marshalling this weekend for the first time


AKA Sinbad
Jan 22, 2002
see ya there

yo broz
see ya there

:) dont forget the box too!!!

unless you want to or do talk with a high pitch voice .

( look for the dude with the blue ize ME )

there are some good marshals down the site to help you out ..


Prize Muppet
Apr 18, 2002
Warwickshire, UK
I don't think its as clear cut as that, you have to take each one as it comes.....different people react differently.....again its being firm, but fair...shouting might work with some people, but with others it will just get their backs up. Just be confident, self assured and dont take no for an answer. I'm not a big guy myself but Ive never had any trouble I couldnt kerb.....

At a punter day Im assuming you mean, best way in my experience is to make it clear that any team caught cheating, even just one player will default the game or lose points to the other team....works like a charm trust me...its treating them like school kids, but the thought of letting their entire team down and upsetting everyone else usually works....

If you have to ask them to remove their hopper, put their marker on the floor, or even take it off them if they are a real idiot....if its not against your sites safety policy you could send them back to the safe area. Or of course just tell them if they are seen firing you will deduct points from their team.....

Another option I just thought of but have never used is putting opposing players back in play for each person found cheating/firing into play....
wearing bright clothing shouldn't problem:D
Since Skirmish has gone all 'corperate' all the marshals at foxwood have been issued unifroms with natty illuminous orange bomber jackets. Seeing as Mike (the boss) always copies nick I would think that you will also have a nice jacket to wear.:eek:
Learn the fields that is the most important part of being a marshal you can then tell where most of the action is going to take place.

good luck and welcome to the brother(sister??)hood

Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
wear bright colours, no camo and a BOX,

if a punter is messing around give them the 3 chances rule, one cockup is a warning, two they sit out a game and three they sit the whole day.

also if there is a walk-on (preferably a non-working marshall) then if you spot cheating, especially wiping then tell the walk-on. and warn the punters that if they are seen cheating by the opposition they will be lit up. if the walk-on sees the cheating then he/she will teach them that cheating is bad for the skin (bruses are sometimes really ugly):D :) :D ;)