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Marshalling this weekend for the first time


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Hullo everyone

I have been into paintballing for a while now, interested for ages, playing for about a year. I desperately need some money so i can get a marker (impy) and I am starting marshalling at my local site to earn a bit of money and more experience.

My local site is the infamous Skirmish Nottingham, and i will be marshalling rec days and general punter fests. Does anyone have any useful hints and tips for me and stuff i should keep in mind etc? As i said, this is the first time i have done anything like this and any good advice would be well appreciated.

Thanks muchly

PS. I’m also doing it so i can get used to being hit more, when I play normally I don’t get hit much. I might be playing in some tournaments soon so I gotta get used to the pain some more :)


Come to Goatboy ladies...
Sep 26, 2001
West Sussex
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Welcome to the brotherhood :D

It's a rewarding way to make a few bucks and you'll learn even more about our beloved sport :) and just how stooopid some people can be :(

Rule number one - The Customer Is King - (they can also be idiots and whiney arse bags, but ultimately they pay your wages )

Be polite
Be Firm
Be Helpful
Stick with more experienced marshalls and Gms and they'll show you the ropes

.... hit check CHICKS thoroughly and always smile sweetly as you wipe off any spray :D

Enjoy it mate!


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Goatboy has given most of the customer care type rules, so I'll list a few of the marshall-care type ones :-
Wear the brightest colours you can. That won't actually prevent the rental customers from shooting you, but may reduce the number of times they do.
Carry a squeegie & a towel.
Make sure your goggles have ear protection - why do rental customers always shoot marshalls on the ear lobe?
Wear gloves.
Make sure you keep your fluid levels up this time of year; I tend to remember at tournaments but often used to forget when judging for some reason.
Make sure you know the game rules - these tend to vary from site to site e.g. head/gun shots, resurrections etc.

Yes, prepare to be shot about 10 times more that you do playing! Rental customers, especially newbies, have absolutely no accuracy at all plus they often shoot at anything that moves e.g. pheasants, rabbits, marshalls in fluorescent clothing etc etc etc.

One customer relations one to remember is always give the customer the benefit of the doubt (unless otherwise instructed by the site owner/experienced marshalls) on spray vs hits etc.


Prize Muppet
Apr 18, 2002
Warwickshire, UK
IMHO it hurts less getting hit when playing than when marshalling.....must be the lack of adrenaline when marshalling....anyway from my experience, and off the top of my head.........

In reality if you get hit a lot marshalling, you are probably standing in the wrong place. Try to ensure that when you are marshalling you are aware of the players around you.
Dont allow yourself to be a walking bunker, and try not to block firing lanes as it will leave you with disgruntled players....Also learn how to watch players without actually giving away their positions.......its not as hard as you might think............

Work with the other marshalls, teamwork makes the job easier for you all....

Always be firm but fair with players, some players will spot a marshall afraid to pull players out and capitalise on it....don't let them argue with your decision more than once...........they can appeal once but if you still arent convinced move em on quickly...

Take a squeegie (or get the site to provide one).

Learn how the site markers work, learn how to clean them, ask other marshalls to show you common problems and how to deal with them....

Listen to the head marshalls game speeches before each, game. Its the fastest way to the learn to flag/head marshall.

Watch players like a hawk, especially those just eliminated. Straight after elimination is when many players remove their masks. Jump on this as fast as you can, and again be very firm. Be always conscious of setting an example with masks, make sure you have yours on before you lead them out of the safe zone and ensure no-one follows you who hasnt got theirs on....be conscious of players bringing guns into the safe area too. Dont even think about resting until all players are in and you are sure everyone is safe and sound....

Talk to your players between games, chances are they will be buzzing and desperate to share their experience. Marshalls that show an interest, will enhance a punters day and they will remember you for it....

More when I can think of them......


Prize Muppet
Apr 18, 2002
Warwickshire, UK
Oh yeah and get a throat protector! I love mine, no more explaining the strange marks on my neck to my girlfriend when I get home...

Also this isnt advice you need but I dont know why but anyone else notice that if you get hit, and dont flinch, may sound odd, but for some reason punters, especially newbie ones, always seem really impressed and respectful if you take a few bouncers and just act like they never hit.


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Originally posted by Cenobite
In reality if you get hit a lot marshalling, you are probably standing in the wrong place. Try to ensure that when you are marshalling you are aware of the players around you.
Dont allow yourself to be a walking bunker, and try not to block firing lanes as it will leave you with disgruntled players....
Hmmm. Standing at least 3-4 yards away from any players, with them all lying down shooting at each other & me standing up, & I STILL got shot on the ear by one of them! Rental customers never seem to notice neutral calls either which tends to be a source of pain to the poor old marshall. Maybe I'm a bit cynical, seeing as I started marshalling at the old Darenth Park hospital many years ago which was a classic place for blind firing (against the site rules, but what did the customers care?) and therefore many hits on the marshalls.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
The throat protector... damn good idea. I have taken a few hits there and really regretted being born :p I have considered a throat protectorbefore, but i doubt i'd be able to get on with one, running around and such like. But standing around as a marshal, punters on all sides, i think i will get one ASAP.

Good advice so far.. keep it coming!


EBlade *fap*
Apr 26, 2002
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Cenobites advice is tip top, after all he kinda taught me to Marshall :) The throat protector one is a definate saviour.

As he said talk to the punters, after all you are there to make thier day better, they love to talk about the game and what happened. An interested marshall really does make the difference.

Be mobile, make sure you are aware of where the game is going, if one lot of punters are talking about a major push up one side make sure someone is there to cover the eventualites. Make sure you casually get into the right position so the opposition dont realise why you are positioning yourself.

Learn the fields, were I used to marshall, 1 of us had the pleasure of, in effect, leading a team for the day, that marshall had a the responsibility for explaining the game and then helping out with some tactics. If you are dropped into this type of position it helps to know a little :)



Prize Muppet
Apr 18, 2002
Warwickshire, UK
Originally posted by Liz

Hmmm. Standing at least 3-4 yards away from any players, with them all lying down shooting at each other & me standing up, & I STILL got shot on the ear by one of them! Rental customers never seem to notice neutral calls either which tends to be a source of pain to the poor old marshall. Maybe I'm a bit cynical, seeing as I started marshalling at the old Darenth Park hospital many years ago which was a classic place for blind firing (against the site rules, but what did the customers care?) and therefore many hits on the marshalls.
You sound damned unlucky, although the indoor, urban sites lend themselves to bruised and battered marshalls......

I think my throat protector is a JT one. Thin neoprene, surprisingly comfortable and they really take the sting out of shots to the throat. Neck hits always seem to draw blood, so for the sake of 8 quid or whatever it is, they are great value.

Someone mentioned ear armour, thats important as a marshall or player in my mind.

Also dont wear camo trousers like me, you are destined to get shot in the legs if you do......

Finally if you are a guy and get shot in the knackers, the best thing to do is to swear in a high pitched voice, drop to the ground and cry your eyes out.....


Team Rampage
Oct 9, 2001
the broz, mind if i ask a Q?


i am starting marshalling this weekend to, and the advise by liz, canobite etc is top dog, but, what happens if some person is misbehaving, i:e shooting ppl when they r out, and shooting u on purpose. what do u do, sweet talk them or give them a bollocking? as i have come across this before on my marshalling i did for work experience, and i was tough to choose what to do,
