Time to throw in my two cents:
Basically I'm restating what JohHaley said, which is: Don't buy a new gun right now. Play with your current gun and try out as many different guns as you can. If you really feel like spending money, make sure you have an agitated hopper (one with batteries), and get the best HPA tank you can afford. Keep asking random strangers if you can pull the trigger on their gun. Don't forget to replace the paint you shot. When you've saved enough money, try to get an E-gun of some kind. If you want to definitely get a new gun right away, getting a 'cocker and then later upgrading it with an E-trigger frame is always a nice option. You end up with a thousand dollar (almost) gun but you do it on a budget. Get a vertical feed gun, don't waste your time with anything else...trust me on that, even if it feels funny at first. If you're sighting down the sight-rail, you're exposing yourself too long and you need to break that habit.
As far as what E-gun, if you're having a hard time picking one, try picking one that 's popular in your area. You'll have a better parts supply, you'll have a better chance of finding someone who knows how to fix your gun without sending it out in the mail, and you'll have more upgrade options easily available. For me, I lived two miles from the WGP factory so I shot a 'Cocker for the longest time. The head tech there treated me right and I loved my 'Cockers. Then I shot a Shocker and while I loved my gun, it pretty much worked out for me 'cause I am a tinkerer at heart and Smart Parts was good at Customer service for me...I got rid of it though 'cause of it's air use and the fact that I'd have to send it out if I needed gun work. I tried a cut-and-colored LCD Angel and upgraded it with every Cobra part I could get from Chris but the Angel never really suited me so I sold it and got an Intimidator. I got it mainly 'cause some of my old teammates played for Bob and they said they loved their's...I was not disappointed and I've only upgraded mine to a GZ, and will get a WAS board and maybe a 45 frame with a display. What probably kept me happy with my gun? The fact that one of my friends owns a store and plays with and sells 'Timmys. When I complained about the air use of my original 'Timmy, my gun got tuned for much better air efficiency. When I wanted to run LP, I got handed a LP chamber; when I first got my gun it was already setup with an inline reg 'cause I had already tried out several 'Timmy's and knew that's what I liked. My GZ rocks with the 2nd SOB but my decision to upgrade to a WAS board was made 'cause everyone I know who has one says that it makes the gun even more awesome, and more importantly, they get more eliminations. At first I wasn't too happy with the fact that my GZ made my paint use increase (I can't slowdown my trigger finger once it gets going :>) but after I was told to just play with it and I'd start liking it, I did.
I will admit that I'm a little biased against 'Mags but that there are thousands of happy 'Mag users out there. I just didn't like having a sore trigger finger and didn't like that fact that 'Mags occasionally have "mysterious" problems that a simple tinkerer couldn't solve in between games...problems that even a complete O-ring change, plenty of oil, and a complete regulator rebuild/replacement didn't solve. Yes, I owned a mini-mag but the fact that I live in 'Cocker Country influenced the level of support I had for my gun.
My point? I'm not pushing Intimidators, just showing you how I made my decisions when choosing and upgrading guns and the fact that I had lots of support helped in keeping me happy with the choices I made. You could go through the same process with Impulses, E-Cockers, Bushmasters, Vikings, a Matrix, and Angel, or even an Black Dragun and be happy with your choice.
Whatever gun you finally choose, I think you'll be happy with playing tournament style paintball.