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marker registration

>>>As it stands Joe Bloggs can walk into a store and buy a marker, then do what he likes, no one knows if he even plays paintball.<<<

Substitue marker for baseball bat, pool cue or stanley knife and paintball for baseball, pool or DIY...see any of them guys lining up to get registered? And what gets used more in crimes, any of them or pball markers?


Active Member
Jul 10, 2001
God's Country
Good point well presented, yes these are used more often in crimes I accept that.

I maybe feel a little stongly about it as Paintball was banned in Scotland for a number of years mate, guess why? Cos some twat bought a paintball marker and went down the local park.....let off a few balls and guess what, all operators in Scotland closed virtually, all teams, at the time around 16 ceased to exist and as the paintball world moved on Scotland was left behind. So, maybe I look on it different from yourself as I really don't want to miss out on paintball again.

Maybe when the police deal with incidents involving other sports equipment i.e. baseball bats they maybe look on it as an extension of the person, like someone picking up a glass in a bar brawl. Just as deadly, but with paintball again, regardless of how you and I see it, the police see it as guns....then theres premiditated, you would need to gas up the marker, put the paint in the hopper and aim.......razor blade....happens in a split second.

My 2 cents worth again.....but, not going to agrue the case, cos I think you do have a point.....well a little one at least.



Maybe - and trust me Sid, the words are sticking in my throat here - the police are slightly more enlightened now.

A guy down our way got broken into and as the thief did a runner this lad leant out his bedroom window and cracked him on the back of the head and up his back with a few shots, then rang the police and gave a description of the thief which was nice and concise: 'The **** running away with paint all down his back.'

Coppers nicked him and praised the lad for his resourcefulness...now if he'd shot with with an airgun I imagine he'd have been arrested, so maybe the police do make a distinction now in the UK.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
hmmmm, not sure about registration and licensing markers myself I mean, once the Govt get their grubby mitts on that we'll inevitably have the following endorsements:

HG30: Hot gun 301 - 309 FPS 3 penalty points 60 pound fine
HG40: Hot gun 309 - 329 FPS 5 penalty points 100 pound fine
HG50: Hot gun in excess of 329 FPS disqualification (probable) at Ultimates discretion, 100 - 500 pound fine (subject to means testing)

FA01: Marker Liable to trigger bounce 3-9 penalty points, fine at Ultimate discretion
FA03: Marker went Full Auto: Instant Ban, disqualification for not less than 12 months
FA09: Firing without due care and attention - disqualification, unlimited ban, unlimited fine.
FA11: Dangerous Firing - disqualification, player liable to Marshalling retest and UKPSF Chrono Course

DFSZ1 Dry Firing in Safe Zone 1: 3 penalty points, 90 pound fine
DFSZ2 Dry Firing in safe Zone 2, repeated dry firing and showing off to mates: 6 points and unlimited fine subject to means testing

PUI1: Player under influence of intoxicating substance - no minimum ban, or fine. Player maybe liable to imprisonment for a period not in excess 12 moths

PUI2: Player Under the Influence of extreme Intoxicating substance: Lifetime ban

Offences FA01 to PUI2 carry with them unlimited disqaulification periods. A player must hand in his marker and may be subject to rechronoing and marshalling test's at end of disqualification period.

Offences HG30-50, player may have license endorsed and returned to him. Offences HG30-50 maybe removed after a period of not less than 4 years or 2 years after initial disqualification period.

You can bet ya b*llocks to a barn dance this won't be far behind! Maybe a good idea in principle but not in the UK.

And besides Paintball Markers are abit like 1 irons, and only God can hit anything with one of those. Stick to your baseball bats


Better Things 2 Do!
Originally posted by stongl
PUI1: Player under influence of intoxicating substance - no minimum ban, or fine. Player maybe liable to imprisonment for a period not in excess 12 moths

PUI2: Player Under the Influence of extreme Intoxicating substance: Lifetime ban

Mmm.... well thats quite a few players already on the rocky road :D

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by stongl
hmmmm, not sure about registration and licensing markers myself I mean, once the Govt get their grubby mitts on that we'll inevitably have the following endorsements:

HG30: Hot gun 301 - 309 FPS 3 penalty points 60 pound fine
HG40: Hot gun 309 - 329 FPS 5 penalty points 100 pound fine
HG50: Hot gun in excess of 329 FPS disqualification (probable) at Ultimates discretion, 100 - 500 pound fine (subject to means testing)
You can bet ya b*llocks to a barn dance this won't be far behind! Maybe a good idea in principle but not in the UK.

And besides Paintball Markers are abit like 1 irons, and only God can hit anything with one of those. Stick to your baseball bats
I edited out the middle but wanted to quote to say this might not be such a bad idea.....Hear me out.

We are all bitching here about the safety of the sport and cheating (Check the PGI article a few months ago about hot guns) People are serious about this as a problem.

Maybe you need a card system Yellow card warning Red card is the enforcement of said above laws, (yes people get spikes in the marker, I use CO2 but I always set a level lower than I need in case it goes up)

Talk about a real deterent a fine (money leaving your pocket) and the poss of not being able to play for weeks, months or years.

This is an over the top example maybe but I like the principal. If you dont cheat you wont have to worry, Chances are you marker already Chronos at the right fps and on and so forth,

As for the 1 Iron. Yes a true geniues invention. I play with a 9 Iron and a putter, It goes futher:D

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Originally posted by duffistuta
Maybe - and trust me Sid, the words are sticking in my throat here - the police are slightly more enlightened now.

A guy down our way got broken into and as the thief did a runner this lad leant out his bedroom window and cracked him on the back of the head and up his back with a few shots, then rang the police and gave a description of the thief which was nice and concise: 'The **** running away with paint all down his back.'

Coppers nicked him and praised the lad for his resourcefulness...now if he'd shot with with an airgun I imagine he'd have been arrested, so maybe the police do make a distinction now in the UK.
And what was this lad doing with a loaded paintball marker in his bedroom.Does it not take a while to unpack a marker and set it up before you can fire it. In that time you could have rung the police first and given them a good description. One has to be careful

TJ 2

New Member
Sep 9, 2001
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Maybe he's dedicated? Do y'all not practice snap drills in your backyard of an evening?

Bottom line - why shouldn't he have a marker ready to rock? T'ain't against tha law, and if homeboy lived by himself then no-one gonna be touching it...