Things that annoy me....
Car brakes that need to be swapped out? That annoys me.
The recording industry mucking with MP3's.
Not being able to drink beer. That annoys me to no end, sometimes.
Cover bands that sound worse than the originals. Worse still are "tribute" bands that sound nothing like the band they want to be.
Bad Japanese animation voice dubs. If it's intentionally bad, that's ok. If you can tell they're trying, it really IS trying.
Geraldo Rivera. 'nuff said. Same goes for Regis Philbin, Ophra Winfrey, and in fact most "Talk show" people. Larry King, however, is toerable.
People who don't like puns, word plays, or in fact have no sense of humor.
Pudding crust / skin. yick.
Anyone who asks for directions when the sign is in front of them.
Related : "Theme" resturants that put 'cute' signs on their bathroom doors. "Pointers" and "Setters" may be cute, but "Mars" and "Venus" or "Porcupines" and "Armidillos" can be confusing FAST.
Cold french fries (Or, in the UK, "chips") and stale cola. Mega-yuck.
Starched underwear. In fact, any starched clothing.
Psychotic cats. (Wait, umm, they're all psycho...)
People that tell me "salt and vinegar" chips (UK version are "crisps", I think?) are "da bomb", and ranch flavor sucks.
Related : People that tell me that I shuld only eat "Salt and Vinegar" chips, and not ranch, or BBQ.
Related : Having people insult me because I like ranch chips, and tell me that unless all I snack on are "Salt and Vinegar" chips I can't pass judgement on them. Then having to prove that I have tried salt and vinegar chips, and that it may be a good diversion, I'll still prefer ranch. Then get given no end of grief because I comment about S&V chips in the vicinity of an S&V lover, who takes it personally and does everything they can to degrade me, including ommitting or ignoring facts. ...that really annoys me...
I don't hate people. I hate stupid people.