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M25: Your The Judge U Decide


pbnation 4 lyfe
May 2, 2002
Norbook Massive
Visit site
i think its to late now i could easily say a team name and would u belive me and want to ban them just by wot i say? some1 could just say n e random team and get them banned. a marshall has to catch the team at it. i totally agree with what ralph has just said


Mar 12, 2003
'in ya face baby!'
at the end of the day, we are trying hard over here (europe included) to catch the american teams! if we have to cheat (lets not mistake this.....cheating!!) at the level played in the m25 league (no disrespect sparklie or anyone playing in it!) then what chance have we got in tourneys where marshalls are very experienced and on the ball, and the games are so much more important!!!

we are never gonna achieve any decent status when we have to stoop so low!

i think personally name the f##kers, and ban them from the UK tourney scene at the least!

this will be an example to all thinking of cheating in the future!

and shopping my mates? i would Pm someone and ask them to Pm Ralph or Sparklie, cos at the end of the day they will continue getting away with it what ever until banned!!


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Point is that no matter how good of a mate it was of mine a cheats a cheat. If I knew them I'd probably approach them first and have a word :)

The game is played to me to test your skill and your teams against others, if you have to cheat to win, then you are not 'winning' if you get me :)

If people I knew, even mates were cheating like this, and I think this goes for other people I play with I don't think they would be friends any longer :)



QUOTE:[what field was it on? ]

What difference does that make ?

At the end of the day none of the fields were set up to combat the offence. More to the point what good will it do, ranting weeks later about who the offenders were and what if any, punishment could be meted out.

The whole point is that we know about it and hopefully everyone is going to be watching everyone else to make sure it don't happen again.

We have to be wary that names that are put in the frame aren't put there by people with a vested interest and are up for a bit of mischeif.

We gotta catch them at it!! simple as that.
believe me were going to.


thinking of coming Back
Oct 7, 2002

my 2ps worth cheats never prosper, but bet they have read the very interesting comments & views of this post. and i also bet they would be rather nervous and wondering if anyone has shoped them, i also wonder if they may lay low for a while and not enter a torny , but if they are hard faced to do this in a game , im sure they will carry on ?

seperate the markers and player in the dead box is the answer