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M25: Your The Judge U Decide


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2002
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seems like something that happens in fairy tales! Wierd.

Anyone have any idea who it was? Div 1?Div 5? not that that makes a difference though.


The answer is keeping the markers separate from dead players.
Whether you use a deadbox off the field or a container of some sort.....What about those big plastic storage crates?Theyre cheap enough.
I hope the people responsible get named and banned. Somebody must know!!:(


Hanger of Curtains
Jul 13, 2001
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there should be a witch hunt to find out who this is, everybody claims they are clean players, lets find out the ones who aren't in this situation and expose them.

it might be a deterant to other teams who think things like this are big and clever

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Ralph, I speak on behalf of SK3 when i say the players concerned WOULD be banned but not only from SK3 but also The Midland Masters, M25 and The Southwest league.

If you find out who did it and YOU ban them just let us all know and there will be a cheap marker for sale.

On a further note to all M25 players for christ sake give it a chance and stop ****ing cheating yourselves and others the amount of time and effort put in by the organisers is bloody stupid when you bitch and moan about everything.

I suspect they are just being to nice when you go and complain to them because you go and complain when you lose a game you thought you should win instead of telling you to get on with the day and they will see you later.

you mostly come on here and complain about this and that mainly about the marshals but other things as well, As for the marshals cocking up it happens at all tourneys worldwide.

Case in point at this weekends SK3 a div one team had a player called out by an second time marshal and because i come down very hard on teams who argue with the marshals did not stay put but left the field as he was told to do he was checked by another marshal as he walked off who found it was not a hit at all and the marshal had cocked up, The game carrys on and his team lost, the captian see's the field ultimate who says it was a cock up but he can not do anything about it and tells them to find me,If any of you know me you know i will be at the tea wagon so it did not take him long to find me.
He then told me what happend and i had to tell him the result stands because the marshal thought he was eliminating a marked player and was doing his job - yes it was a cock up and the marshal now knows to make sure it's a PAINT mark so he learned but the team captain did'nt say he will wait for him outside or throw a paddy but just excepted that mistakes do happen and next time it might be in there favour he knew the result would not be changed so dont let it bother you.
And if you look at the reviews of this weeks SK3 you wont see a load of sh1t aimed at Bully or me.
And next week you wont see it aimed at Blakey and the lads from the Midland Masters.
So come on lads take a chill pill help the series become as good as Sparklie and Liz wants it to be for you lot.

Rant over sorry if i offended anyone.

As for that marshal he was **** allday but hey at least thats consistent;) .


As for that marshal he was **** allday but hey at least thats consistent;) . [/B][/QUOTE]

Guess there is a chance for all of us then:D :D


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Well... I saw one team doing as Ralph described but it was from the centre (chrono station end) of the field. I watched the dead players in the box. One with his barrel through the netting, the other with his barrel under the dead box fence. There were 2 or 3 other players watching them as well and we couldn't believe it...
They were also talking to their live player a couple of metres in front of them.


None of us did anything about it at the time and i'm not going to be drawn into a potential slanging match over the internet. Ralph, if you want my version please feel free to pm me or send me an email.


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!

I have known you for years and I would have to say the following!

1) find out who did it and name and shame them. I mean no discrespect here, it is only the M25 League, there are no cash prizes up for grabs, no big trophy that makes you king of the world. So sod it find out and lets name the idiots!

2) just do the no guns in the dead box same as Millennium, no big hassel for the guys and girls just a tapped off area. Simple easy and stops all this poo going on.

Third. See 1

Fourth see 1
