Great work fella.
I can see why dudes are a bit chaffed by some of the results but I think any system needs time to mature so the creases can be ironed out. Like mentioned earlier, I don't see any other UK seeding system do you?
I think your point of it kinda being more of a skill/consistency gauge is great, for example, we (K2) have placed pretty well in all the events we played this year which surely means we deserve a good ranking, which we have (2nd). There are teams below that have kicked our asses for whatever reason but have failed to keep the level up throughout an event.
Teams that have huge rosters that keep swapping and changing names and mixing up their field kinda bring a bad rating onto themselves. Have 2 teams, pro and am (nov even) and stick with that. What's the problem? Easier to rank that way.
I reckon the Millenium Series should be excluded at the moment until you can figure a way of rewarding the better teams that play these events some extra 'cred' points. Perhaps rate each event/series with certain kudos to even things out. I don't know, bit tricky that one.
Keep it up dude.