Tort poor love
We are working on the running order

As most of you are aware we had problems with marshals not showing up and one crashed his car and two having other public transport issues. We did catch up the hour delay by lunchtime. I had spoken to the catering staff and explained it was imperative that lunch is hot and ready for my staff and this could make or break the event.
Sadly they said yes and then did the opposite. This is what caused the running order to again fall behind. I have made a formal complaint to the venue. We would very much like to use the venue next year as I feel with a few adjustments it's brilliant, but they will either have to let us use Jim and Lisa or learn to provide what they have promised.
Guys i would have played footie with you or possibly tried the rocket thing as long as it’s done in a safe area.
I have a whole 6 weeks before the next event
I am having a few days off and much sleep then.................
I already have a whole list of improvements I plan to implement, some fine tuning relating to lack of time issues, others that have arisen from player feed back. Or just things my self and the staff have seen or felt would improve the events.
I hope to see you all again soon.
I would love to run 4 fields next time so we need 48 + teams to justify the additional costs ie staff, more netting, yet more scaffolding. It would also help the running order no end.
I will be releasing details of the next event very soon.
If the provisional list of teams is 48+ by the 27th of April then I will plan for 4 fields if not we will be limiting the event to 32 teams.
Deposits need to be paid by the 4th of May.
There will be an additional charge of £35.00 per team for deposit received after this date (this was suggested by you the players)
With a cut off date of Tuesday 13th of May.
Teams with a rolling deposit need to let me know if they are planning to attend by the 4th of May at the latest this will be the cut off date.
Please bare in mind I have a marquee to book and this is now summer fete and wedding season so it’s impossible to hire huge marquees at the last minuet.
Again teams wishing to Marshal the event please pm or email me if you think you can do a better job.
I pay well and you receive series points too.
Thank you all for your continued support.