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M25 leauge


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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Diablo is no problem for me - for goodness sake, my team is sponsored by them so I couldn't use anything else anyway, even if I wanted to which I don't.

I was more asking for a clarification as I know this could be an issue for some teams.


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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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No secret here, we use Blaze pretty consistently. Goes through all the different markers & barrels pretty well and as 6E store it properly always breaks on the opponents & rarely if ever elsewhere.

Dave S ECI

Jul 17, 2001
53rd and 3rd
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How about this sparklie, any team not buying site paint has their paint delivered to you prior to the tourney.

This means you can store it properly so you don't have to worry bought that issue.

I would ban staining paintballs such as diablos imperial for instance.

No zap is an issue as you know, look at the number of teams that use it. Having said that the number shooting nelson seems to be taking off.

The legal issues of people using their own paint could be covered in a disclaimer or notice could it not? I believe you cannot escape liability of death with a disclaimer but how likely is this to happen? with stringent safety checks and chronographing you should be okay?

I have the odd scar from paintballs but I would blame this on the problems with mass producing paintballs, the odd ball may be a bit tougher than others for instance.

I believe the best way for you to work round this is to get diablo to sponsor the series, and offer their paint at such a competitive price that people will wish to shoot it anyways.
Cheers Dave for a well thought out constructive post.

Any one playing at tourney level should be shooting the best paint they can get their hands on why else bother compete. It's more the kids and new players that I worry about,do you ever read some of the newbie posts? I have seen some scary stuff the kids have thought they could still use:( and they will buy **** too untill I explain to them what they should be looking out for:eek:

I am not planning on letting anyone shoot imperial on site I have been strongly advised against this.

I have explained so far my entry system and how that works but am for purposes of the series open to discussion, byo but zap is not negotiable:( :eek:

I shall approach Diablo and see what their reaction will be but this again will depend on the support of the teams and the media coverage. I have discussed freebies sponsorship ect before.

Iam not trying to put up walls here far from it or be difficult, I am trying to do things properly and want to get this right.

I can't see a problem for the series being a bring your own, what is the feeling on prices for entry and what would you like to achive through entering.

Obviously I am hoping to get a better class of tourney and structure/ easier for teams to plan and hopefully ending in the end of year play offs. Are we talking campaing entry, goodie points, select on the day goodies trophys.

Do you still all want nice food?

I find we are getting more familys is this some thing we need to think about, re facilitys.

How many games do you want ?

keep it comming and I shall do my bit too;)


Keeping it real and thanks for the nice comliments to my team I shall pass them on:D :cool: ;)

Dave S ECI

Jul 17, 2001
53rd and 3rd
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As a general rule of thumb the greater the number of players, (3, 5, 7) the greater the individual paint consumption per game.

So for a 3 man I would say more games than a 5 man, and in a 5 man more games than a 7 man.

For a 7 man I would say between 8-10 games for the day.

Agree with the newbie point, so maybe a closed division for very new or site teams, make this site paint only.

An open division or two? byo paint.

One thing I would say is to have one upfront fee to charge players, so no additional charges for air etc. Then sell paint at cost or very close to it, maybe diablo would agree to a combined paint and trade stand if the tourney was big enough.

Personally I like what your doing with food etc. the curry was pucka but this might be a bit of a nightmare at a bigger tourney. I think opinions will be mixed on this and it might not be feasible to have a lunch break in a bigger tournament.

To push the family bit I would keep the players area separate from them with guys dry firing, swearing between games etc. But give them free access to the stands to watch games (netted like you were talking bout on sunday) with a concessions stand backing onto this. Possibly some form of commentary over a PA system so they follow things.

oh, and more cookies.

Just another 2 cents worth:)

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
I am really excited by the developments that seem to have been made and the wonderful ideas from Spaklie.

This promises to be a great new league and one to open up paintball to the masses. Another few ideas though

1) An open league for "customers". They get to play a tourney situation against other newbies and also get to see what it is we do when we play.

2) Advertising. I beleive in a large amount of promotion od such great events and I know Sparklie does as well. She got a TV crew out for our acedemy day and why not have that again and maybe some radio interviews, publicly invite for free for a team from the radio station. they get the first 500 balls free??? and free entry.

They get show material and if they have already done the interview with said organiser it makes a huge and exciting talking point. They will rave about how great the tourney was LIVE on the radio. Great promo for paintball,. great promo for the site.

3) Food is always good and it may be hard to cater for large numbers but what has been so far is superb.

Thats me for the mo:D


Jul 10, 2001
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If you have a problem with Zap on your site, the only way round it imo is to sell diablo at the same price as the teams get it for, but then you would not make money on the deal:(

Do the other sites you mentioned have any paint problems, if not then it shouldn't be a problem just to use diablo in a quarter of the series as long as the price is similar (as a side issue, the blaze we used on sunday was great, you could tell it was well looked after. Thanks Sparklie)

do a mix of 5 and 7 man tournys as some of us dont have the players for 7 man.

The game system used by the midland masters is the best one i've seen as you know precisely when you're playing.

Joining in with the 3 other series so that nothing clashes is a good idea and having a final played with the best from each series is a great idea.

The food was great but it could lead to problems if you have a dedicated lunch break, though this again depends on how many games you are having per day (it would give the refs a break, which is a good idea)

Thats all from me for now

Take it easy sparklie



New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Originally posted by Alien
If you have a problem with Zap on your site, the only way round it imo is to sell diablo at the same price as the teams get it for, but then you would not make money on the deal:(

Do the other sites you mentioned have any paint problems, if not then it shouldn't be a problem just to use diablo in a quarter of the series as long as the price is similar (as a side issue, the blaze we used on sunday was great, you could tell it was well looked after. Thanks Sparklie)
No, sadly that can't work. If you have a paint sponsorship contract it probably says you can't shoot any other brand of paint at all, not even in practice let alone at a tournament or your contract is void. This would mean that any teams sponsored by Zap wouldn't be able to play in rounds held on this site.

I doubt if any other sites have this problem, as it was caused by a legal disagreement between the land owner and Zap (Phoenix).