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M25 leauge


Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
Apoc will do anything u need us for.


All of the above are possibilities :)

Sparks just lemme know what you want and when and it shall happen. One thing im good at is making it all happen :)

As long as the police leave me alone :D
Thanks to all who have posted so far.

Jamie might have to take you up on that offer, Let me know when the next social is on and we can bouce some idears around and if you or the team have any please let me know;)

cool it's starting to liven up.

Well I am sure the site team will be playing them I know my young guns are looking forward to it.

I shall be picking their brains too I am sure they have learnt a lot about what makes a good tourney after attending all these fine midlands masters events;)


Dan (Team seven)

New Member
Feb 12, 2002
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This Uk finals sounds like a great idea, it'll be better to have proper leagues if you will rather than random tournaments.

It's gotta be sup'air - it's a lot easier to field a five man team instead of a seven but I'm sure teams would manage a seven that way they could practice for the millenium.

unlimited paint,
a fair few events to make a decent series,
don't worry if there are only four sites i'm sure after more see how big this could be then a lot more will join.


New Member
Jul 11, 2001
Visit site
:D Yes i am interested and have about 9 or 10 other blokes who will be interested to, supairball would be nice or mix of woodie/concept field (this might help newbies coz less paint and less of a hiding to begin with while they fiind their feet).
Maybe 5 man to start with then up it to 7?


Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
portsmouth will travel, we don't mind asking the government for more money, cause in the end your taxes pay for us to play paintball:D
Thanks to all, but I need real gritty stuff I am a site paint only site and no zap is this going to be a problem? I have been running tourneys as follows : 1 box of blaze, entry, bacon buttie, proper cooked luch on plate real cutlery ( you said this is what you wanted) as much tea coffee or squash as you want all £60.00 now do the maths. ie makes the paint dead cheep.

Do you want limited paint? or mabey some limited?

How many games in a day? all 5 man or mabey some 7?

So be brave tell me what you want because the foundations are being worked on now.

can I have your top 5 must haves

and the big no no.

ie must be sup air

long game turn arounds/no time turn arounds

your help is needed


Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
OK for me the big one would be nice to have more tourneys on Saturdays and if its within the M25 ring I can get home in time for work on Sunday.

So maybe a 2 day event so that I can play the Saturday leg and some one who couldn;t make Saturday fills the spot on Sunday.

Down to the real grit though.

1) SUp'air or maybe hyperball. Woods is ok but if people want to play the millenium series then the expereince of Sup'air is usefull.

2) Unlimited Paint,

3) Air on site is a good idea (for those who use it)

4) every month would be nice but maybe every other month would be good cause playing twice a month maybe out of some people budget.

5) Space to camp if people are trying to budget themselves.

6) Cookies :D

7) Trade stands are always good.

8) If people want maybe a graded entry system for different types of paint, (eg. and I know these arent the prices!!!!

£10 = Midnight
£20 = Blaze
£30 = Inferno
£40 = Hellfire.)

Must be ordered week in advance or you only get blaze???

9) Cookies :D

I hope this helps, I just tried to think of a few thinks that could help, what else is there.??