Waht every one seams to forget is this is Sp'S's first attempt at a series of this type. Whilst the MM, SWPL & S2003 are probably better series (At the Mo), they have all been going a number of years.
Sparklie improves things every round and is moving up the (steep) learnig curve rapidly. I storngly belive this can become the premier series in the country, given the time to find its feet.
When that happens and the slots are all filled with those with rolling deposits we'll then get bitching from the teams that can't get in !!!!!!!!!
Funny old world !
Sparklie improves things every round and is moving up the (steep) learnig curve rapidly. I storngly belive this can become the premier series in the country, given the time to find its feet.
When that happens and the slots are all filled with those with rolling deposits we'll then get bitching from the teams that can't get in !!!!!!!!!
Funny old world !