Is there any chance of getting this kind of info sooner for next year as a week is not enough time to change all the plans teams hame made .
How long ago did you know the venu was to change im sure it was some time ago.
Are you now going to pay for the hotels we have sorted in dartford if they dont give us our money back? you did tell me at the last leg it was all booked and sorted for sure.
As some one has allready said its the m25 so the venus should at least be close at the end of the day if you want this torny to stand any chance of going on next year these things need to be sorted.
That said we will still be there now with out our famillys as getting the kids up at that time of the morning is out..
And as a paying customer i have the right to make these points before some one gose on about at least you have some were to play and all tha rubbish..