Originally posted by sjt19
i think that Mr X would like that liz! Why it was only yesterday he was telling me how he was going to shoot everyone on the break!
As Red_Merkin says, more likely to shoot his own front guys out
Looks like 4 divisions of 9 teams each, on 4 fields, as we have 36 teams confirmed now (unless anyone else decides to drop out at the last monent

). But after the insane week we've had trying to check this up with everyone, I'm still not confirming the divisions until Friday just in case!
And the good news is - another team has VOLUNTEERED to play in Div 1! Nice to see teams stepping up there & trying out how well they can stay with the big boys. BUT - still room for another team or two in that division if anyone else fancies their chances, or wants to practice for their pro/Am A games at Millenniums